Mistletoe (Christmas Edition 2015)

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4 things
-This is written in First P.O.V :)
-You and Hiro are 17 because that would make things so much easier
-A minor cursing in here
-Enjoy this chapter 😊💕
It was Christmas Day, probably my most favorite day of the year. I couldn't help to wonder every year, why wouldn't anybody like Christmas? But hey, I wasn't in the position to judge.

"______!" Hiro burst into my house.

I noticed how adorable he looked in an ugly Christmas sweater. If someone gave him the ugliest piece of clothing in the entire world, he would still looked better than I ever will.

"Hiro!" I grinned with the same amount of excitement he had. "How did you get in?"

"Your dog let me in." He replied sarcastically. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Of course my puppy did."

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"Wow, you don't want your best-est friend here? How could you be so cruel? Especially on Christmas Day." He faked a sob.

"Oh hush, you get what I mean. And it's best, not best-est."

"I don't need you to correct my grammar. I'm the smarter one here remember."

"Now who was saying I'm the cruel one."

"Kidding, you're as smart as I am."

"Gee thanks. I do hope you missed out the er in smart by accident." I replied sarcastically.

"You helping us set up the Christmas party at my Aunt Cass' cafe. Remember?" He reminded.

"Right. I'm so excited tonight!" I exclaimed.

"I am too. That's the whole reason I'm here."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs and out of your house. He laughed at my excitement .

"The entire gang is right upstairs decorating the place." He informed as I opened the cafe door.

The party wasn't a big one. Just my family, our friends, their parents and Cass' family and friends.

"Merry Christmas Cass!" I wished when I saw her. She was serving her customers. The cafe was open for the morning.

"Merry Christmas ____!" She replied happily. "You and your family will be at the party right?"

"We wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Let's go." We trudged up the stairs. I noticed that he was still holding unto my hand and blushed a little. His hand felt warm despite the cold weather. You two are in a warm house, of course it's warm you idiot!

"Merry Christmas guys!" I greeted our group of friends who were busily setting up the place.

Honey and Fred were setting up the Christmas Tree. GoGo and Wasabi were putting up the festive lights and Baymax, of course, was just walking around making sure nobody gets hurt. In a very Baymax fashion.

"Merry Christmas!" They replied happily.

"Merry Christmas ____!" Baymax waddled and gave me a hug, which I immediately returned.

"What can we help with?" Hiro asked. "Oh! You two can do the food!" It was clear Honey was the leader of everything that was happening.

"I'll go and ask my aunt for the food menu." He let go of my hand and went downstairs. I felt a little lost without his hand on mine. He came back within minutes with a piece of paper in his hand.

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