Our Family

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Married reader x Hiro ;)

Short one :c

You played with your little baby (girl/boy) upstairs in the baby room. (He/She) was 3 and is the most precious thing you have. 

You heard the front door unlocked. "I'm home darling!" The second most precious thing in your life called. 

"I'm upstairs." You shouted. "Hey sweetheart." Your husband, Hiro Hamada, gave you a kiss on the head. 

"How's my precious angel?" He lifted up (baby's name). (He/She) laughed. 

"How's work?" You asked. "The usual. Although I came up with a new idea everyone liked and got a promotion." He replied. 

"Sick!" You gave him a hug. "We're all excited for you to come back to work." He smiled. 

You quit your job when you were pregnant with (baby's name). 

"D-Da" (baby's name) stuttered. "Quick get the camera, I'll get Baymax." Hiro urged and you ran to the bedroom while Hiro activated Baymax.

"D-D-Daddy!" (baby's name) exclaimed. You quickly switched off the camera and picked your baby up from the floor and gave it a tight hug. 

"M-M-Mommy!" (baby's name) giggled. 

"Are you taking it?" You asked delighted. 

"Tape's running." He replied. 

"(baby's name) said it's first word!" Baymax said. 

"That's right buddy." Hiro smiled and hugged you and (baby's name) and Baymax came crashing from above. 

"Our family is the best." He murmured. 

"Of course it is." You giggled and placed a kiss on both your precious angels head. 



Super short one! Just got inspired for a moment lol.

My friend is being so annoying. Almost everyone knows that Hiro is my bae but then she says I'm crazy for imagining to have someone who doesn't exist and she doesn't find him one bit attractive and blah 

And I was like "da heck you freakin how dare you insult him" I wish I have a real life friend in school who likes Disney and Hiro Hamada, I don't mind sharing c:

well maybe I do mind sharing ....... but whatever lmao 

 All my friends are into some Taiwanese idols which I find not attractive #nohate

I'm on vacation so I can't update, I'll try to though  

I love you to the galaxies and back

xoxo ~lifegivesyoucupcakes


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