Jealous ( 1K Votes Edition )

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Idea by @purpleninjanerd123 <3

Inspired by Jealous by Nick Jonas


You walked in the hall, almost everybody were there, experimenting, socializing or building.

You were looking for Hiro, your boyfriend for 2 years.

He must be in his lab. You thought.

"Hey pretty." Somebody whispered into your ear.

It wasn't Hiro.

"Sorry. You must have got the wrong person." You said and walked up a few steps.

This guy is creepy.

"Nope. I haven't, I've got my eyes on you since forever." He grabbed your arm and turned you around to face him.

"As you can see, I have a perfect boyfriend." You pushed his arm.

"That nerd? I'm so much better than him. The name's Jackson." He laughed.

"Aren't you a nerd as well? Just leave me alone." You muttered and he gripped your wrist tightly. Really tightly.

"Let go." You winced in pain.


"Let her go." Hiro growled as soon he came out of his lab and saw what was happening.

"Look ____, your "perfect" boyfriend is here to save you." He snickered.

"Shut up and leave me alone." You glared at him.

Hiro clenched his fists so hard, it turned white.

"Hiro, please don't." You knew he was going to punch that Jackson

Too late, his fist came flying at that Jackson.

Everybody was now staring.

Luckily, Wasabi and the rest was still in class.

Jackson's grip immediately loosened.

"What is going on here?" A loud voice boomed.

Professor Callaghan.

"He started it!" Jackson blamed and ran out of the room.

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