Under the Rain

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Written in Author's POV c:



You came out of the alley, you have gone bot-fighting, again. It started raining. "Oh great. I'm so dead." You groaned. You slowly got drenched. Then the rain abruptly stopped. "Huh? It's raining but I'm not feeling anything." You thought to yourself. You felt someone or something hover you. You looked up, it's an umbrella. You turned to look to your right. There stood a boy who was a few centimetres taller, looked about your age and had really poofy black hair. "You shouldn't be getting wet." He smiled. He looked familiar. He was in the bot-fight."The name's Hiro Hamada, What yours?" He asked. "_________." You replied. "____. Can we be friends?" He asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes. '"Sure." You replied. It was a starting of a new friendship.

"______!" Your mom called. "Yes mom?" You asked. "Can you go down to the shops to get me a few things?" She asked, not looking up from her computer. Checking emails probably. You thought. "Yeah sure." You replied. You wanted to get the new pack of gummy bears. It had every flavour you could possibly imagine. "Here. Be back before dinner." She passed you some money. You buried them inside your pockets, laced up your shoes and walked to the shops. It was a bright sunny morning. You checked your cash. You had more than needed. Maybe mom gave me more money as to say thank you. You told yourself. "I do need some new tools."

You ran to the tools store to get some new tools as your tools are getting old. You still had more than enough. Might as well get some new clothes. You thought, you haven't bought any new clothes lately and most of them can't fit anymore.

You went in a few stores to finally get what you wanted. You still had a little bit more cash. You decided to buy a cup of Starbucks and walked to the grocery store. You received a text.
Mom: I gave you a little extra to spend on. The shopping list is with the cash. Happy shopping!

You dug into your pockets to find a small piece of paper. Let's start You told yourself and started looking for the things your mom needs.

"Gummy bears!" You exclaimed aloud as you spotted the candy section. "Gummy bears." You mumbled repeatedly till you found what you wanted. Wait till Hiro sees this! You smirked. You quickly finished up the shopping and paid.

You excited the mall to see a not-so-sunny-weather greeting you. Better get home quick! You mentally said and quickened your steps.

Drops of rain started falling from the sky. Oh great. You groaned. Your shoes started getting a little wet. "This is a deva ju isn't it ___?" You heard somebody grinned beside you holding an umbrella. You turned to see Hiro Hamada. "It is isn't it?" You smiled as you remembered the day when you both first met. "Bought a lot of stuff?" He teased eying your bags. "Mom's treat." You stated. "And I bought that pack of gummy bears that we wanted."

"Well isn't this a coincidence. I just bought the same thing." Hiro exclaimed lifting up a small bag. He's so handsome. You thought. You had a crush on him for some time, but you were too shy to ask him. "It is not a coincidence Hamada. We both like gummy bears." You teased.

He aburptly kissed you. You kissed back, not knowing what you were doing. "I really love you." He smiled after you both pulled back. "I love you too Hamada." You smiled back and interlaced your fingers with his.

You both met under the rain

He kissed you under the rain

He confessed to you under the rain

You were beginning to like the rain.


Okay, I wrote this crappy chapter and published it. But my damn laptop didn't publish everything so I had to finish it. Sorry c:

1.1k and 63 votes. // le throws kisses everywhere //

I love you to the other galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


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