New Year Resolution (2015 Edition)

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Hiro x Reader

(Y/N) - Your Name

(S/N) - Ship Name with Hiro

This is a really short one :c Sorry if you don't like what I wrote just change it in your mind teehee



You and Hiro both sat down by his bed. Both of your families decided to go on a vacation together so here you both are. You decided to sleep in Hiro's room because both your sisters wanted a room alone. You both didn't mind though since you both are best friends. Or that's what you both thought.

"It's half and hour till 2015." Hiro pointed out "Yeah I know. I'm excited." You smiled. "Shall we say our New Year's resolution?" Hiro suggested. "Sure. I'll start." You said. "Okay." Hiro replied and looked at you motioning for you to start. "My first resolution is to get better grades." You started. "You're a genius (Y/N)." Hiro cut. You gave him a glare for interrupting you and a smile for the compliment. "Thanks." You said. "My second resolution is to be nicer to my sisters." You continued.

"I wish Tadashi was here." Hiro suddenly mumbled sadly. "Hey, he will always be here." You comforted as you pointed to his heart. "Thanks (Y/N)." Hiro smiled. "My third resolution is to start doing charity work." You smiled at the thought of you helping the unfortunate and seeing the happy faces you will make. "Can we do it together?" Hiro asked cutely. "Sure!" You replied. "Why does he have to be so adorable?!" You mentally face palmed.

"Um (Y/N)?" Hiro asked trying to snap you out of your thoughts. "Huh? What?" You asked quickly snapping out of your thoughts. "You looked lost for a moment." Hiro teased. "I'm thinking of my 4th resolution dummy." You lied and whacked his shoulder. "Ow! Okay! Continue." He yelped in pain. "My fourth resolution is to help Honey with her online boutique." You said. "I'm sure she'll love that." Hiro smiled. "My 5th resolution is to learn baking with Aunt Cass." You said. "Then make sure you bake a lot of delicious stuff. Not burn them okay." Hiro teased. You face palmed. "Remember the time when you tried to cook for both of us since Aunt Cass was out and you almost burned the kitchen?" Hiro teased. "The pot only got on fire." You argued. "That was not how I remembered it." Hiro teased. "Just stop it." You blushed. "That's all." You finished. You check your watch. 11:55. 5 more minutes.

"So let's get on with your New Year's resolution!" You said. You check your watch again 11:56. Then both your phones beeped. Hiro and you opened your phones to check a message from Honey.

GROUP CHAT with YOU, Hiro, Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi and Fred.

Honey Lemon: Happy New Years Guys!!!
  How's your vacation (y/n) and Hiro??

You : Happy New Year! It's awesome Honey!

Hiro: Happy New Year!!!! Awesome Honey

GoGo: Happy New Year people.

Wasabi: Happy New Year!

Fred: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FROM FREDZILLAAAAA

You turned to look at Hiro. He smiled while reading the texts. "Gosh, he's so perfect. Wait. What am I saying?" You mentally face palmed again. Then you notice him staring at you, a blush crept up on your face. "Your new year resolution Hiro." You reminded. "Oh yeah! Um." Hiro stammered. "Go on." You motioned for him to continue. "If you say no. Our friendship wouldn't be affected right?" Hiro asked. You stared at him confused. "Of course it won't. Nothing will change." You replied confused. Hiro took a deep breath. "I really like you." He blurted out. You just stared at him. "Gawd! I shouldn't have told you." Hiro face palmed himself and starting scolding himself. You placed your hand over his. "H-Hey Hiro. I really like you too." You whispered. "D-Did you just say.." Hiro asked. "Yes I did." You replied and leaned to kiss him. He kissed back. You both head fireworks and people cheering. It's New Year.

Then you both heard cheering from somewhere unusual. It was coming from Hiro's phone. You both broke the kiss and then you heard Fred say "Congratulations lovebirds!" "I knew you both had something!" Honey Lemon cheered. "Congrats." GoGo smiled. "Congratulations (Y/N) and Hiro!" Wasabi said. You both were red and confused. "H-How." Hiro started. "You left your web cam on dude!" Fred explained. "Sorry." Hiro blushed and quickly turned off his webcam.

GROUP CHAT with YOU, Hiro, Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi and Fred.

You: Bye guys :D

Hiro: Yeah bye!

Honey Lemon: Nooo!!! Don't go! We want to see more (s/n) moments!

GoGo: Stop it Honey, give the lovebirds some privacy ;)

Fred: I second that Honey!

Wasabi: I second GoGo!

You turned to look at Hiro and he turned to look at you. You both started giggling. "Happy New Year." You said and hugged him. "Happy New Year." He whispered and hugged you back. "You haven't told me your new year's resolution yet." You said. "To have you as my girlfriend." Hiro whispered and you just hugged him tighter. This year will be the best year ever.


A/N: This is the New Year's oneshot c:

[80% edited]

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