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You and Hiro are 17-18 ish and are dating // mentally slaps mind //

You woke up, your head was burning and you felt cold. "I'm sick. Great." You muttered sarcastically. Today was your date with your boyfriend, Hiro. You both had all these plans and all. You painfully picked up your phone beside your bed.

You: Hamada.

It took a few minutes for a reply to come.

Hiro: Yes beautiful? Getting ready for the date? Very excited.

He's going to be so disappointed. You thought.

You: Sorry handsome. I'm having a fever.

Hiro: I'm coming over with Baymax.

You looked down at your pajamas, wondering whether to change into something more appropriate. But your body was against the idea; you felt your head sting.

In a few minutes, you heard the doorbell ring. Your parents are out at work and you couldn't get up. My robot. "(robot name)!" You called. The medium sized (color) robot walked towards your bed. "Yes __?" The robot asked. "Hiro's at the door, mind opening it for me buddy?" You smiled. "Of course __." It replied and walked down the stairs.

You and Hiro built that robot together a few months ago. It could help do a lot of things like cooking, doing the laundry etc. But it is not a Baymax.

"Thanks (robot name)." You heard Hiro said as he opened your room door. "Anytime Hiro." It replied and went back to its charging station. "H-hey Hiro." You smiled, your head was burning. "Where's Baymax?" "Hello ___." Baymax waved as he popped out of the doorframe. "Playing with your puppy." Hiro chuckled. "Come here." He sat on your bed and felt your forehead. "Baymax?"

"I will scan you." Baymax informed and did a scan. "Scan complete. You have a high fever, I'd suggest getting a lot of sleep and having ice packs on your head. I'll give you some medicine." Baymax said. "Okay." You mumbled and Baymax went down with your robot to get a cup of water and some ice.

"I'm sorry we had to cancel the date." You apologized. "It's okay. Your health comes first." Hiro smiled and embraced you into a hug. "Your water and ice is here." Baymax informed and patted your robot's head. "Good robot." "I cannot be good. I am a robot." Your robot replied and went back to it's charging station.

"I'll do the ice Baymax." Hiro said and grabbed the ice from Baymax's hand. "Thank you Hiro." Baymax smiled and measured the medicine while you lay in bed. "Here ___." Baymax handed you a cup of medicine that does not look good. "Do I really have to eat this?" You whined. "Come on. We can go for a date tomorrow if you're feeling better." Hiro urged. "We have school tomorrow Hamada." You pointed out. "We can go for a date after school." He smiled. "Okay I'm doing it for you." You grumbled and swallowed the medicine. "There. Better princess?" He soothed and gave you a cup of water. "A little." You gave a small smile. "That's my girl. Now get some rest okay?" He kissed your head and placed the ice on top of your forehead. "I'll be going downstairs to play with the puppy." Baymax said and trotted out of your room.

"Stay with me?" You asked. "Of course princess." He smiled and climbed into your bed and hugged you. "Anything for my princess." "Then you're my prince Hamada." You giggled. "Yup, I'm a prince." He grinned. "I feel so much better already." You teased. "You still have to rest. We still have that date tomorrow." He smiled. "Tomorrow." You murmed and fell asleep. "My beautiful girl." He murmed and placed a kiss on your cheek and fell asleep too.



1K views and 53 votes is crazy. I can't believe it ;; I mean I can but you know. lewl.


Should I do something like to celebrate this? Um Q&A or something like this? Comment your suggestions c: Hopefully I can come up with another idea for the next chapter

xoxo lifegivesyoucupcakes ~


//whispers// i love you guys //le hugs//


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