Protecting You (Part 1)

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Idea by @AbegailHamada_08 <3

a little bit of cursing tho. Hope you all don't mind c:


You watched the news on your television. 

"After being made known to the world, our heroes saved the city again!" The news reporter exclaimed as a picture of the heroes flashed on the screen. 

They look unusually similar to your group of friends They all had similarities even though you know little about the heroes. But they always said, the heroes were just lookalikes. And probably someone made the suits for them.


"Morning everyone!" You smiled as you opened the Lucky Cat Cafe's door. You and your friends always walked to school together.

"Morning!" Honey and Cass smiled.

GoGo gave you a curt nod whereas Wasabi and Fred waved.

"If that kid doesn't hurry up we'll be late!" Wasabi said frustratingly, while banging on the table.

"Hiro?" You questioned.

""He’s still sleeping." Fred replied.

"I'll just go and ask him to hurry." You said and went up the stairs.

Your friends were all nudging each other as you walked up the steps, unoblivious to what was happening.

They all knew that you had a crush on your best friend. And well, the latter did do.

"Hiro? Are you awake?" You knocked on the door.

Silence was the reply.

You hesitantly opened the door. You've been in his room a million times but still feel like you're invading his privacy whenever you enter without him knowing.

You heard faint snoring.

"Hiro! Wake up! We have school!" You shook him awake.

You took a minute to stare at him. Although you saw him asleep ever since you both were 4, you always thought he looked super cute while sleeping.

You hesitantly pulled your hand over his face, admiring it.

"Leave me alone." He groaned and you quickly pulled your hand back.

"Wake up." You shook him harder.

"Baymax stop it." He pushed you away, you felt annoyed.

"I am not Baymax." You shouted.

You walked to his bathroom, filled a pail with cold water and splashed it on his face. 

"Okay I'm awake!" He shot up and felt the cold water dripping down his hair to his clothes.

"Hurry up." You urged.

"Oh my shit! ____! Why did you do that for?" He exclaimed.

"We are freaking late. The gang is downstairs and watch your language." You pushed him into the bathroom and closed the door.

"You watch your language too!" You heard him yell.

You laughed to yourself and waited for him outside.

"Um _____?" He asked from inside.

"Yeah?" You replied.

"You pushed me in without my clothes. So um....." He started awkwardly.

"You want me to take it for you?" You joked.

"Thanks...Wait, w-what?" He stammered.

"Just kidding." You ran down the stairs.



Sorry for not updating for ages! I was working on this and it's not done yet. I PROCRASTINATE.

I got so obbssed watching Teen Titans Go <3 super sorry.

I broke this one shot to parts as it was so long. It's currently 1800+ words lmao.

A big thanks to my editor cx // my writing is that terrible

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes

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