Taking Care

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You opened the door of the Lucky Cat's Cafe.

"Morning!" You called.

"Morning sweetie!" Aunt Cass greeted.

"Is Hiro upstairs?" You asked.

"Yeah. Don't get too close to him sweetie. He's a mess." She replied and you walked up the stairs to his room.

Your best friend, Hiro Hamada, is sick.

You admired him since the first day you met him.

"Hey." You smiled as you opened the door.

He was lying in bed. He was in a mess. His room was a mess too as usual.

"H-hey." He tried to sit up.

"Don't. Just lie down." You said and sat on his bed.

"I'm feeling sick." He complained.

"Where's Baymax?" You asked.

"I deactivated him. He was noisy." He replied.

"You're a mess." You said and put your hand on his forehead to feel his temperature.

"I know." He replied sadly.

"I made some chicken soup." You smiled and pulled out a container from your bag.

"Thanks _____." You helped him sit up.

"Say ahhh." You instructed as you held a spoon of soup in front of him.

He opened his mouth a little due to his tiredness.

"How did you get sick?" You asked as you fed him spoons of soup.

"Working on a new robot." He replied.

"You should take breaks." You advised.

"Making a mental note." He cracked a grin.

"You should get some rest." You said after you finished feeding him.

"Okay." He yawned.

"I would kiss you now. But I can't." He whispered.

"I'll kiss you then. Quick one." You whispered back without thinking and gave him a swift kiss on his cheek.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too." You smiled.


What kind of confession is that?

Sorry for not updating frequently :C I think I can only update every 3 days

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


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