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Hey everybody! I haven't been updating in FOREVER. I am really really sorry. 

I have decided to go on a hiatus or maybe a semi one idk. I have been losing interest in this fandom (I still love BH6 to the moon and back. Just not that crazy about it) I currently would like to spend more time on my teen fiction/romance book at the moment.

I would occasionally update this with a short chapter or so but I won't be updating this regularly. I am really sorry, to you who have commented a request, I'll try my best to write it, but I am not feeling it now. I've been depressed (a little bit only you don't have to worry if you are which you are probably not)  

I think that's all . Thank you for an amazing journey, I still can't believe I have this many reads and votes and comments. I have gained many new friends (aka my pretty little cupcakes fam) If you want to continue to read my works you can read Winter Blues (my teen fiction/romance) book. It's not that good and it's going under re-editing and writing. 

I am truly sorry and I hope I'll be back here again soon <3

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3 

love, lavendeurs 

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