Gummy Bears

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Hiro x Reader c:

S/N - Sibling name

F/C - Favorite color

H/C - Hair color 

A/N: Changed the (y/n) to ____



You were lying on your bedroom's floor. You are bored to death. Both your parents parents are at work and (s/n) is out with his/her friends. To your relief, your phone buzzed.

Hiro :  Hey ___! Wanna come over and build a robot together?

You : A robot? Why do you want to build a robot? Are you not smart enough to build one yourself?

Hiro : Aww come on _____! It'll be fun 

You : I still don't get why you need my help though.

Hiro : Because you're a genius too! Be here in 20 minutes. Oh and bring gummy bears!

You: Fine. I'll bring the gummy bears :)

Hiro: Yaayyy! Thanks ____. See you!

Sighing, you lazily pulled myself up and changed into something more appropriate to wear like a (f/c) graphic shirt, shorts and a pair of plain black converse. You pulled up your (h/c) into a ponytail and grabbed some money from your dresser to buy some snacks and the gummy bears. 

You quickly texted your mom to tell her that you were going over to Hiro's place. Hiro and you were best friends since preschool. You had feelings for him, but you don't think he does. It's okay, I'll meet somebody better right? You mentally told yourself. There's no one else more perfect. A small little voice retorted back. You decided to just ignore that thought and walked to the convenience store opposite your house to buy packets of gummy bears and some sodas.

Hiro's house was just a few blocks away from your house. Within minutes you were in the Lucky Cat's Cafe. "Hi ___! Here to see Hiro?" Aunt Cass asked as she poured a cup of coffee for her customer. "Yeah, where is he?" You replied. "Upstairs sweetie."Aunt Cass replied. "But I think I should let you know this." Aunt Cass whispered and you leaned in to get a better hearing. "Aunt Cass! You promised!" Hiro exclaimed as he ran down the stairs. "Oops, sorry honey." Aunt Cass giggled. "Maybe next time I'll tell you." Aunt Cass whispered to you with a mischievous grin and walked off to serve more customers.

"Sorry __. Come on, all the stuff are ready at the garage." Hiro said. "And I bought the gummy bears!" You grinned pulling out a packet of gummy bears. "Awesome! My favorite! Thanks ___!" Hiro exclaimed and gave you a quick hug. You hugged back. "You mean our favorite." You said and gave Hiro a shove. "Yeah, our favorite." Hiro smirked and shoved you back. "No pushing around kids!" Aunt Cass called out. "Oops, sorry." You both apologized. "Need any snacks?" Aunt Cass asked. "Nope! I bought gummy bears and sodas!" You replied waving the bag of food you bought. "You bought sodas too? Awesome!" Hiro exclaimed and you both had a fist bump. "Let's go." You smiled and you both walked to Hiro's garage where all his tools are.

"So what do you want to build?" You asked as the both of you sat down by the computer. "I don't know, that's why I called you over." Hiro replied. There was a moment of silence between you two as you both thought hard and long.

Fighting bots? Nah, build tons of those already. You and Hiro wanted something different, something special, something unique and of course something useful. 

"Hey I know!" You exclaimed breaking the silence. "What?" Hiro asked hopefully. "We can build a robot that makes gummy bears! Then we can have any kind of gummy bear we want whenever we want some!" You explained your idea. "That's just so cool! Imagine all the gummy bears we could eat!" Hiro said dreamily. You nodded and you both started dreaming about all the gummy bears you guys could eat. "So anyway, let's start on it, I'll do the designs." You said as you both snapped back into reality. "And I'll make the blueprints." Hiro nodded and you two got into action.

Hours later

Finally the robot was built. It looked like a small washing machine. Occasionally you can't help stealing glances at Hiro. He looks so cute when he's serious. But little did you know, Hiro was also stealing glances at you too. She's so pretty when she's thinking really hard. He thought to himself.

"It's finally done!" You sighed with relief wiping the sweat on your forehead. "Yeah, got the ingredients you asked Aunt Cass?" Hiro asked. "Yup!" You replied and carried the ingredients to make the gummy bears. Thankfully, Aunt Cass had all the ingredients. "Let's put them in!" Hiro said excitedly. You poured the ingredients in and closed the lid. "I'll just press this and this and this." Hiro muttered to himself as he programmed the robot by himself. He looks so cute. You mentally thought to yourself. "The bowl __!" He reminded. "Oh yeah." You said breaking yourself out of your thoughts. You quickly opened another compartment and placed the bowl inside. "Gummy bears in process." the robot said and started making the gummy bears.

"Ooohhhh I can't wait!" You gushed in excitement. "Me too!" Hiro agreed and you both started jumping up and down waiting for the gummy bears. "Got anymore gummy bears?" He asked. "Nope. We ate all of it." You replied. "Sodas?" He asked hopefully. "We drank it all Hiro." You said as a matter-of-fact.

"Gummy bears making process successfully completed." The robot said. "Pouring gummy bears into bowl."

You both look at each other with excitement. "You may remove the bowl." The robot said and deactivated. "Gummy bears!!" You both exclaimed and you opened the compartment to see a bowl filled with gummy bears of yours and Hiro's favorite flavours. 

"Thanks for coming over to help me __." Hiro said as you both chewed on your gummy bears. "Thanks for asking me to help build a robot, if you had not, we wouldn't have lots of yummy gummy bears!" You smiled as you both reached for another gummy bear.

"What was that thing Aunt Cass was gonna say?" You asked curiously as your mind thought about what had happened earlier in the morning. "Oh u-um about that..." Hiro stuttered nervously. "Hiro, just tell me." You said softly and placed your hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile. "Whatever I say wouldn't affect our friendship in anyway right?" Hiro asked in a small voice. "Of course!" You replied.

"I like you ___." Hiro blurted. "W-what?" You asked in disbelief. He likes me? Impossible. You thought. "Forget it, I bet you don't like me in that way." Hiro sighed. He really likes me! "H-hey, I like you too." You smiled and gave him a hug. "Y-you do?" Hiro squeaked. "Yes I do Hamada." You said and gave him a playful shove. "Gosh I was so afraid to confess and everything and Aunt Cass heard me muttering to myself about you." Hiro admitted. You let out a small giggle. "You're mine now." Hiro smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. "Yeah I'm yours now." You smiled and you both leaned in to kiss



So the time of this oneshot was actually in the morning-afternoon about 3:00-5:00 P.M

The robot idea is so lame ;; and this is so long ;; as you guys may know I take forever to write a chapter. This took me 4 hours. I KNOW I'M THE WORST WRITER ON THIS PLANET.

I was getting really sidetracked lmao. I wrote 100 words, then checked my facebook, wrote another 200 words, then started watching YouTube videos, wrote 300 words, then started editing, wrote 500 words and started listening to BH6 soundtracks,  wrote 1000 words and searching BH6 facts and finally I finished this chapter. LEWL 

I haven't have my dinner yet ;; and mind following me on Instagram? Comment your username for follback. Because if you don't, I won't know who are you and won't followback. Because I mostly follow editing accounts when they follow

mai instagram - @editsbyevangeline

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


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