Rumors- Spicy Bis

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shsl-tool here you are-

T.W: A lot of rumors, mentions of suicide attempt, mentions of weed.

Jeremy's P.O.V.

"Yeah, he literally burned it down."

"I heard he did it because he wanted to kill himself."

"You heard that he's a f*g, too, right?"

    I was walking down the hallway, only able to hear the rumors spreading like a wildfire. Rich was nowhere to be seen. I think at this point that's a good thing. I felt so bad for him. And... I miss him.

    He might still be at the hospital, actually... But he should be back at school either today or tomorrow, so I don't know. Rich is usually the person I'd hang out with, when it came to the popular kids, anyways. We get each other; especially when it comes to our sense of humor.

    Now, especially thanks to what I did to Michael at the Halloween party, things are weird between us. I mean they were. He saved me from the SQUIP and I apologized. Which healed the wound, but now there's a huge and gross scar.

    Also, he got a boyfriend. Evan Hansen. So I don"t sit by him at lunch anymore because not only do I feel like a third wheel around them, but also because they make me miss Rich even more. So now I'm this loser, geek, whatever at the popular kid's table. I mean, Jake is nice to me. But that's because he knows Rich and I get along and he loves Rich.

'Wait, so Rich is here today, right?'

'Yeah. He's keeping a low profile. Which is smart in his case.'

    My head perked up. Rich is here? Oh my god, I have to find him... his friends are so popular he probably can't be seen with them right now, which means he probably doesn't mean he has anyone to hang out with. But I can't let him face all this bullshit alone.

    But where would he even be? I don't want to go around asking for him...

    Wait. The boy's bathroom by the back exit of the school. That was always where he would smoke weed. That's probably where he's hiding.

    I rush over there, arriving after a minute and walking in. It reeked of weed.

"Holy fuck-" I cough.

    I hear quick shuffles, but then there's complete silence.


"Rich?" I smile a bit. Fuck, it's so great to his voice. "It's me."

"Oh my god," a bathroom stall opened and he rushed out, hugging me tightly. "It's so good to see you. You have no idea how much of a hell-hole my life is right now."

    I smiled and hugged back, slowly pulling away.

"I'm sorry, Richie. You shouldn't have to deal with this..."

    I sighed as he shrugged, giving me a small and obviously fake smile.

"We should go to my school after school- or..."


"Or we could skip," I shrug, looking at Rich.

"Damn Jeremy," Rich laughed. "Sounds fun. You sure you want to?"

    I nod. "Of course. I definitely don't want you to stay here."

    He nodded, slowly and cautiously stepping out of the bathroom with me.

"We're gonna have to walk. I hope that's okay?" I check in, walking to the back exit of the school with him.

"Yeah, that's fine."

    We sneak out, and I start leading him on my normal walking path home.


"Why are you doing this?"

    My brows furrowed in confusion and I glanced at him. "What do you mean?"

"Letting me stay at your house, looking for me at school, skipping for me."

"I care about you. I mean, with all the gossip and-"

"You don't have to remind me," he sighed.

"It's not like I pity you or anything. I just want to look after you."

    Rich smiled and looked down at the ground, kicking at a rock. Thanks. Tall ass."

     I nod with a snicker, and the rest of the walk is in silence. A comfortable silence, though. Once we got to my house, I open the door and welcome Rich inside.

"Nice place. Jeremy?"

    I turn to him after placing my backpack down and kicking my shoes off, looking at him expectantly. "Yeah-?"

    I was suddenly backed against the wall, and Rich kissed me.

    He... he kissed me.

    He kissed me?!

    I mean, I kissed back. Obviously. Or, well, tried to at least. Rich pulled away before anything could escalate, and my face was absolutely red.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while."

    We both chuckled, and I grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him closer with an uncontrollable smile.

"Me too."


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