Teaching Jeremy How to Get High- BoyfRiends

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T.W: ...getting high... suggestive ending kind of.


*Jeremy's P.O.V.*

      I've refused Michael's offers to get stoned with him for... forever, really. For 2 reasons.

1. I am a very embarrassing drunk and probably high.

2. If I have a secret that's bugging me, it will slip out of me if I'm not in the right state of mind. And there is a secret I do not want getting out. 

      But today, I was desperate to feel a bit less anxious, and when Michael asked... my god did he give me the biggest puppy-dog eyes. I ended up saying yes, like the dumbass I am.

      Michael and I drove to his house after school, my leg bouncing anxiously.

"Jer? Everything okay? You seem nervous..."

      My head perked up.

"Me? No, I always sweat... this... much," I finished, fidgety.

      Michael laughed.

"Jeremy, its fine, I get it. You're a virgin."

      My face turned bright red and I choked on my intake of breath.


"First smoke," Michael elaborated while turning he=is head back to the road. "You don't have anything to worry about. If you can't smoke straight from the joint you can always shotgun it from me."

"Shotgun it?" I asked while tilting my head to the side in confusion.

      Michael snorted.

"You know, for a horny furry, you are pretty innocent."

"I am not a furry!" I screeched.

      The slushie boi raised an arched brow.

"But you admit to being horny?"

      I sighed and slouched down in my seat, folding my arms.

"I'm pretty sure if there was a musical about me, it would start with me singing about how my porn-o won't load," I grumbled.

      Michael snickered and shook his head, pulling into his driveway.

"Alright horny boi," he jokes while ruffling my hair.

     He parks the car and takes the keys out of the ignition. 

"Let's go."

      I follow him to the basement and flop onto a beanbag. 

"So... what's shotgunning exactly?" I questioned.

      Michael shook his head and ran his hand down his face.

"Just hear me out, alright? But its kinda like kissing."

      I sat up instantly, and stared at him in disbelief.

"Somebody takes a hit from it, which would be me, and blows it into the other's mouth, which would be you."

"And why can't I just have it straight from the joint?"

"You wouldn't be able to handle it, Jer. especially for your first time."

"What? Yes I can! Let me try!"

"Okay..." Michael responded uncertainly.

      He rolled it up and lit it, handing it to me. I took a hit, instantly regretting it as the smoke filled my lungs. I pulled the lung killer stick away and coughed like hell, hiding my face in my left arm.

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