Road Trip!- BoyfRiends

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T.W: Mention of injury, suggestive remarks


*Michael's P.O.V.*

      Road trips were always my favorite pass time during any school break... as long as I'm not driving. But Jeremy, being the wonderful boyfriend he is, sacrificed himself to drive us to New York City.

      We've planning this trip since the beginning of Sophomore year (granted we never thought we would be going as a couple). But since Jeremy hasn't really been raised by his father or mother, just himself really, and my moms' are always at work and set on me being... independent (that obviously is not  me). We figured, "Why not celebrate our own Spring Break?"

      So! Here we are! Driving to New York, screaming the soundtrack of Hamilton and Heathers well scarfing down slushees and random pieces of candy. Along with trail mix. You gotta have the trail mix. Oh! And stopping at any Seven Eleven we pass by. 

"Are you sure we were supposed to take exit 206?" Jeremy questions.

"Yes dude! I am the master at navigation!"

      He scoffed, and turned his focus back on the road, shaking his head with a smile.

      The plan is to get to our hotel, which was very expensive to rent by the way, tonight, and just tour around the city really. We're both pretty excited, as we've rarely ever gone to downtown New York. Everything was going smoothly so far, except for the fact that the scenery we were passing through is so boring right now!

      Its just this random-ass ghost town on the border between New York and New Jersey. I slump in my chair and sigh, listening to "Freeze Your Brain" again. 

"What's your problem? I thought you loved car trips," Jeremy muttered.

"I do! Its just really boring right now," I inform him.

      He sighs, and turns left.

"We're almost out of this stupid ghost town, just wait a minute babe."

      I blush slightly at the nickname, immediately trying to hide it behind a slushee, sipping it quickly. But then, the worst possible thing happened. The car's engine engine began to sputter and we lurched to a stop.

"Great! Just great!" I yell, throwing my hands up.

      Jeremy puts the car in neutral, and climbs out of the door, signalling me to do the same. I groan, and help him push the car to the side of the road. There was hardly anyone taking this route, so no one could help us. The car has done this before, the cables just need a jump start (I don't know how cars work, help meeeeeee!) But seriously no one was around to help.

      We climb into the car, and Jeremy puts it back into park. 

"So... what do we do now?" he asks.

"We could call a nearby towing company? They would help... right? Do we have service at all?"

      Jeremy quickly opens his phone, his eyes widening. 

"Yeah, actually. Great service."

"Good. Look up the nearest tow company and call 'em."

      He nods, and speedily types away on his phone. Next thing I know my boyfriend sighs and hangs up from his call.

"They'll be here in half an hour."

      I nod, and lean back in my chair.

"...What do you want to do in the mean time?" he inquired.

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