Ice Cream- Deere

970 20 19

T.W: Self-degradation... I think that's it.

Deere because y e s

*Jeremy's P.O.V.*

Michael is damn lucky I love him. He has some sort of gross cold, and I have to go out and buy medicine. He's home alone with my step-brother, Evan, and I'm pretty sure they have a thing for each other. Normally I would be pretty bothered by this situation, but they're pretty cute together so...
(I'm serious people, I'm obsessing with this ship, and I'm probably going to make a book about them.)

I was just leaving the store, bag of medication in hand, when I bump straight into a guy's chest. I grunt at the impact and take a step back, looking up.

"I-I'm really r-really sorry- Jake?"

The jock looked down at me and smirked as I averted my gaze.

"Hey Jeremy! Sorry for running into ya man. What are you doing heere?"

"No, its okay. And I'm getting medicine for Michael! He has a cold."
(When he says Michael, just imagine him saying it the way he did in 'Do You Wanna Ride.' Because a d o r a b l e.)

"Aw. Tell him I said to get better, then."

I nod, and start to walk away.

"See ya Jake!"

"Bye Jeremy!"

I get to my car and am about to climb into the driver seat when I hear a shout behind me.

"Hey Jer!"

I whip around, only to see Jake running towards me. Shit. There was a reason I was trying not to look at him for too long. I am bisexual. A very, I-lean-towards-guys bisexual. And what he was wearing did not help my case at all.

He was wearing his classic Letterman jacket, which always looks great on him. He had on classic white Converse with light blue acid wash jeans and a yellow, pink and blue tee under the jacket. Oh my god... please tell me he's pan.

"Do you have to get home to Michael right now?"

I shook my head, "No, why?"

"Do you want to get some ice cream with me? I need to talk to you about something."

I gulp.

"Y-yeah! That's not terrifying at all," I muttered.

"I heard that," Jake teased.

We go to this nearby place called 'A La Mode,' and let me just say, I regret not coming heere in the first place. The ice cream is so good. I got what was called 'The Connor special'named after their 'best customer' as they called him. It was his favorite order, which was a scoop of peanut butter and a scoop of chocolate. Also my favorite.

"So. What did you want to talk to me about, Jake?"

"You broke up with Christine. Two months ago."

I try not to cough.


"Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked.

"I-I... I told Michael!"

He scoffed.

"Why did you break up?"

I looked down at my feet, fidgeting with my hands.


"To figure myself out, okay?"

"What... what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

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