Jock x Nerd- BoyfRiends

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Michael's appearance is too nerdy to be a jock so...

T.W: bullying and homophobic slurs


*Michael's P.O.V.*

     Why does he have to be so cute? He's never even gonna notice me, so why?

     Here I was, just minding my own buisness at my locker, when he just happens to stroll down the hallway. His blue eyes were practically shining, and his light brown, slicked back hair golden. His Vans were patting against the marble floor, and my eyes rolled. There was only one negative thing I could find about him, and it was the type of shoes he wore. (Sorry Vans lovers, Converse are better. Fight me.)

     I look down at my blue high-top Converse and scoff. I was the definition of a nerdy outcast. Glasses, hoodie, can't help but geek out every 30 seconds, anxious and gay.

     Jeremy, probably the hottest jock there is, is actually openly bi, which makes me very impressed. Surprisingly, everyone took it pretty well, and he hardly got any backlash. Yet here I am, teased constantly for being gay. Why does life have to suck so much?

"Hey Michael! Eyeing your little crush?"

     I turn around, coming face to face with one of my best friends Christine.

"Can you even call it 'little' anymore?" I ask her.

     She chuckles, and playfully hits my arm.

"See you at lunch?"


"At least you have 2nd period with him~."

     I roll my eyes, and walk to my first class.


     Second period. The class I get to stare at Jeremy, and he never even notices. I sit diagonally behind him, and get to zone out the whole period. Luckily I'm pretty good with Chemistry, so I'm still keeping up with the class.

     Jeremy has his usual small smile, and god it was so cute. The teacher began to talk, but I remained staring at Jeremy.

"Today you and your partner will look over chapter 8-10 in your Chemistry books. Don't forget to take notes, highlight important info, and discuss what you've learned. Oh! And by the way, I'm assigning partners."

     Everyone groaned, and I watched Jeremy's reaction. He seemed unphased, a little disappointed, but overall unbothered. He must not have very many friends in this class.

     The teacher went off naming different people by two's, and I listened for my name. I didn't care who I would get as my partner, no one's really too bad in this class.

"Michael Mell."

     My head perks up as he points at me.

"And Jeremiah Heere."

     My eyes widen as the gorgeous jock looks at me. He smiles at me, and I seriously try not to die. I can't tell if this is an amazing or terrible coincidence...

     The teacher lists off a few more pairs, and once he's done, we all move to be next to our partners. I stay in my seat as Jeremy moves to me.

"Michael, right?"

     I nod my head. Is it weird to say he looks hot in a letterman jacket? Probably, but whatever.

"Cool. I'm Jeremy," he says well sitting next to me. "Just warning you, this isn't my best class, so sorry if I slow you down."

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