Hanahaki Disease 2- RichJake

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T.W: Puking and InTeNsE fLiRtInG😂


*Rich's P.O.V.*

I don't even know how I got here. The first minute I was chilling; studying and listening to music. The next I'm in a hospital room, puking up flowers and listening to Brooke rant to me why I should tell her who I'm in love with. I'm even on life support because of my stubborn ass. Yeah, I'm even pissed at myself.

But at this point, I don't care.

"Rich, come on! You're waisting my time, the doctor's time, your time! Just tell me the name, and I'll send her your way!"

"I don't want to loose him Brooke!" I yell.

She gasps, and I sit up quickly, regretting everything I've done in the last ten seconds. I puke into a trash can by the bed, and stare down at the daisies. The naturally innocent flower's vibe was thrown off by the splatters of blood on the petals. I felt myself start to tear up.

Nobody knew I was bi. No one. And now, Brooke not only knows, she also knows the person I'm in love with is a guy.

"Its Jake, isn't it?"

That's when the tears escaped. Was it that obvious?

She rushed over to me, and pulled me into a hug.

"You know, you have a pretty big chance Rich. He isn't straight, since he dated that J.D. guy a while back. And who wouldn't get a crush on you?"

I cocked an eyebrow, and pulled away.

"For starters, lesbian girls like Jenna."

She giggled, and shook her head.

"No duh. Who, that is attracted to guys, wouldn't get a crush on you?"

"Jake. Because I'm a shortie with a lisp when I get nervous, and he's a cute, super hot, funny, smart, athletic, tall, incredible-."

"Alright! We get it! You're in love with him! But Rich, I garuntee he will love you back, you just need to-."

"Rich! Where's Rich?!"

Brooke was interrupted by an all too familiar voice in the hallway, and we stared at the door wide-eyed as it bursts open. Jake entered the room, panting and looking extremely worried. He spotted me, and sighed in relief.

"Jesus christ Rich. Brooke, I need to talk to him. Alone."

She turned to me and smirked and I gave her an uneasy look. Who knows what he's going to talk about, and what I'm going to say? She leaves the room, and Jake sits on the side of my bed.

"So, Hanahaki Disease?"

I nod my head shakily, and swallow my nerves.

"So... who is it?"

I shake my head, and and he takes my hands.

"Come on Richie, do you really think I'm going to judge you?"

"No," I quietly answer.

"So... continue. Who is it?"

"A-a guy."

He smiled, and started to rub the tops of my hands with his thumbs.

"Okay, so you're... bi I'm guessing? Or pans maybe?"


"Alright, and this guy that you're in love with?"

I inwardly cringe, and feel myself start to puke again. I let go of Jake's hands, and hurl into the trash can, and start to sob when I'm done.

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