Rainy Days- RichJake

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I'm sorry, but this song has been stuck in my head all day, and if you haven't seen it, might as well watch it now. Its literally AMAZING.


*Jake's P.O.V.*

     It was raining cats and dogs outside, and Rich and I were cuddled up on the couch with some coffee and having a Harry Potter marathon. (I'm sorry, but like, best date ever much?) Rich suddenly sat up, and paused the movie.

"Jake! Let's go outside!"

        My brows furrowed.

"Rich, seriously? Its raining like hell outside! We'll be soaked in the first 2 minutes!"

       Rich's eyes widened with anticipation.


        I scoffed, and sat up.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask with a laugh. "You want to go outside in 30 degree weather, probably get a cold, and freeze your ass off?"

      He slouched over.

"We can put coats on! I love the rain, and I love you too! So going outside in the rain with you would be so fun for me!" he says with a laugh. "Besides, once we get back inside, we can cuddle even more in warm pajamas 'cause we'll be cold! Please Jakey!"

     Then, of course, he gives me his signature puppy eyes, which he knows I can't say no to.

"Ugh... fine. But only for a little bit."

"Yay!" Rich cheers and jumps up.

       He ran to the coat closet, chucked a coat at me, and put one on himself. I rolled my eyes at him, but smiled nontheless, and shoved the jacket on. Before I knew it, Rich ran out the door, and I laughed.

"Rich! Wait!" I called after him, grabbing the umbrella.

      I ran out the door, only to see him standing in my driveway, arms stretched out and face up towards the sky. I smiled to myself, loving how happy and calm he looked. I haven't seen him like that since the fire. Actually... that's not true. Since our first date, but that's still a long time ago. I opened the umbrella, and slowly walked over to him.

"You know why I like the rain so much?" he inquired, shouting over the rain, head still raised to the sky, and eyes closed. He dropped his arms to his sides.

"Why?" I ask, a little creeped out the he knew I was there.

"Because its nature's way of crying, but its still so beautiful. And something good always comes out of it. Whether it's a rainbow, a pretty grey sky, or just that really good rain smell. Its just so... peaceful. Inspirational, even."

       My eyes widen, and I smile brightly.

"Wow Rich, that was really-."

"Cheesy?" he attempts to finish, opening one eye to look at me.

"Well, yeah, but deep. And poetic."

      He smirks up at me, and turns in my direction. He pulls me down by my shirt, and wraps his arms around my neck, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. I smile into it, and pull him closer to me by his waist. He gasps slightly, but smiles wider, and pulls away.

"I love you, you know that?" I mutter.

"Yeah. I love you too. Now put that stupid umbrella away! You're ruining the rain!"

      I scoff, and close the umbrella. He pulls away completely, and runs to the gutter, splashing the puddles excitedly.

"Rich! Ugh! Don't expect me to let you into my house after this! You're a mess!"

"You love me too much to leave me out here. Now come on! Let's have some fun!"

     I chuckle and run towards him, and lift him up by his waist. He let's out a small yelp, and I spin him around.

       "Jakey! Put me down!" he laughed.

     I smirked, and softly place him on the ground. We were both already soaked and rain drops were pouring down Rich's face. I would have assumed he was crying if it weren't for his stupid, yet adorable, goofy grin.

"Rich. We're drenched. We should probably go back inside."

      He pouted his lips, and folded his arms.

"Jesus you can be such a party pooper sometimes."

     My eyes rolled subconciously.

"Watch it Richie. I'm just trying to make sure we don't get sick."

     He cocked an eyebrow.

"You can go inside if you want. I'm staying out here."

"Tch. Like hell you are," I shout over the rain.

     I grab him, and throw him over my shoulder.

"What? Hey! Jake! Put me down!" he screams well pounding at my back.

"Nope. You're coming inside (hehe) with me," I say as I open the door.

     I lightly place him on the ground, and he sits up and huffs like a toddler. I laugh and close the door, well Rich takes off his jacket. I grab it from him and place it in the jacket closet along with my own. All the sudden, a towel comes zooming at my face, only for me to meet Rich's annoyed eyes once I catch it.

"Really babe? We got to be out there for 5 minutes! I just didn't want us to get sick," I complain well drying my hair.

"I don't care," he mumbled.

"Come on pissy 3 year old, let's get changed into some pajamas."

      He groaned in dissapproval, but I grab his hand, dragging him upstairs.


     Once we got dressed, and Rich came out of the bathroom, I laughed. I let him borrow some of my p.j.'s, but he's so small, they barely fit him. The t-shirt I lent him was more like a dress, and the basketball shorts went down to his shins. He has never looked more like a midgit.

"Shut up~," he whined and flopped onto the bed. "Its not my fault you're tall."

"And its not my fault you're a shorty," I tell him.

     I collapsed onto the bed next to him, and pulled him into my figure.

"Why are you so warm?" he mumbles into my chest. "We were just out in the rain, in freezing weather."

"My clothes just got out of the drier, that could be it," I suggest.

     He curls up to me more.

"Yeah. That's definintly it, since you actually smell nice."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

     He laughs and hugs my torso.

"You're constantly playing sports, of course you stink all the time."

"Wow Richie. I'm hurt."

     He snorts.

"I love you Jakey D."

"I love you too Rich."

Wassssssup?! That was just a random fluffy chapter to get myself ready for a 2 parter
jock x nerd AU (BoyfRiends) thingy. What? I like jock x nerd shit. Its cute. Whatever. Love you guys!
Bi my queers!
Your flaming, awkward, bisexual writer,

1156 words

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