Seventeen- BoyfRiends

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T.W: Cheesy AF. Ya I'm doing a song fic. Fight me.


(Italic- Michael, bold- Jeremy, both-... both.😝)

(2 months after the SQUIPcident)

*3rd person P.O.V.* (woah! Different writing style? Who's she? Never heard of her.)

     Jeremy's life is just... shit. Especially right now.

Christine broke up with Jeremy a week ago, 3 days before he came out as bi. (This is the rare occasion I will make Christine a jerk!) She said she didn't want to date a guy that was attracted to guys (girl actually said that to one of my bi friends that happened to be a guy. I hate her😒).

She, apparently, thought it was wrong. She was also the first person he told other than Michael, so you can imagine how terrified he was to come out. Michael really helped him through it so far, and pretty much all his friends have stopped talking to her out of spite.

Except for Brooke. She talks to everyone.

     But here they are now, just Michael and Jeremy after a rough Friday, chilling on the bean bags in Michael's basement. At this point, Jeremys' exhausted, but Michael doesn't want him to fall asleep just yet. He quickly turns the t.v. off, an sits next to him again.

"Hey Jer?"

"Yeah?" he asks back groggily.

"I don't want to push you, so if you don't want to answer that's fine. But, how... or... why did you tell Christine? You just thought it was the right time to come out?"

"Well... she asked me why I started to like her."

     He was suddenly more awake, and sat up straight (which was very hard for the not-so-straight boi).

"Okay?" Michael edged.

"And I told her the truth, as painful as it was."

"And the truth is?"

"I... started to like her to move on... from a guy."

     Michael shot out of his beanbag, and stood in front of Jeremy.


     Jeremy, very surprised and startled, stood up and clasped his hand over Michael's mouth.

"Alert the whole town, will ya?" Jeremy whispered harshly.

"You had a crush on a guy, tried to move on, and never told me? Who is it?!"

     Jeremy shot him a death glare, and leaned against the wall.

"That. That right there, is why. I don't want to say who."

     Michael stood in front of Jeremy and tugged at his own sweatshirt.

"Alright. You don't have to tell me who then. But... have you moved on?"

     Jeremy shook his head slowly, then hid his face in his hands.

"Did you tell Christine that?"

"No. She was too busy exploding at me for being a fag."

     Michael shook with anger.

"Did she... did she call you that?"

"Nope. But we both knew that's what she meant. Then I corrected her, told her I was bi, but she didn't care."

     Jeremy looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

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