Hanahaki Disease- BoyfRiends

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(I'm sorry, but do you guys see this picture? I mean... I'm basically dead its so cute.)

(Sorry not sorry for doing the dreaded Hanahaki shiz, I just wanted to try it😂.)

T.W: puking


*Michael's P.O.V.*

I was puking my guts out. Actually... that's not true... I was puking out flowers. The Hanahaki Disease runs in my family, and I was fortunate enough to get it. I'm in my bed, still choosing the way to approach this. I'm basically going to die in a week, if that, I'm miserable, but I have to tell Jeremy.

If Jeremy does end up not loving me back, which, why would he? Then my confession will almost fully cure me, I'll just be puking flowers for a day once a month. That's how it works apparently, if the person you love doesn't love you back, you'll be suffering for the rest of your life. If he does end up liking me back, which, yeah he's bi, but that's not realistic, then I'll be fully cured. But if I don't confess, I'll die.

Jeremy doesn't know I have the Hanahaki Disease, just that I'm terribly sick. I still need to thank my moms for that. I was interrupted from my debate on whether or not I should call Jeremy over to tell him, by a knock on the front door and it opening. I felt the need to puke, and I shot up and grabbed the puke bowl.

I hurl pale blue Forget Me Nots, with a bit of blood mixed with it.

"Michael? Buddy are you in here?"

Shit, was that Jeremy? He started to open the door to my bedroom, I chucked the pillow at him, and puked again.

"Dude! What was that for?!"

I looked up at him, but quickly threw up again.

"Aww... Micha, is it that bad- wait."

When my hurling ceased, I looked up at him in confusion.

"Are those... flowers?"

My eyes widen, and I quickly place the bucket on the side of the bed away from Jeremy.


Jeremy immediately saw through my lies, and he looked as if he just saw a ghost.

"Mikey. Please tell me you don't have the... the-."

"Hanahaki Disease. Yes, I do. But how do you know what it is? Its not very well known."

He adjusted the collar of his shirt, and cleared his throat.

"My dad had it about a year ago. It's how he and Heidi started dating, remember? Oh! And Rich got it about week ago. He kept it on the down-low, but Jake found out. Once he confessed to Jake, they fucked and started dating." (Oh yeah, you know what that means! SuGgEsTiVe EnDiNg FoR tHe NeXt ChApTeR!!!😂)

I blinked, and looked off to the side. I totally forgot about Mr. and Mrs. Heere, and Rich and Jake don't surprise me at all.

"So..." Jeremy trailed off and sat down on my bed.

"Who's the lucky guy?"

I suddenly felt the urge to vomit... again, and I picked the bucket back up. When I was done and I looked back up at Jeremy, he had the saddest expression on his face.

"You haven't told anyone, have you?"

I shook my head.

"My moms' suspect... correctly. But I haven't confirmed it yet."

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