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T.W: Acrophobia (fear of heights), let me know if I forget anything else!!!

ArsonBros (RichJake)

*Rich's P.O.V.*

Yeah, sure I'm an idiot for coming, but everyone else was going! Including Jake! And there is no way in hell I could say no to his puppy dog eyes. We were at the fair, and all planning to go on the Ferris Wheel. Its two people per cart, so we were planning Jeremy and Michael, Chloe and Brooke, Christine and Jenna, and me and Jake. The last person I want to find out about my acrophobia.

I still can't get over the fact that he forgave me for the fire. I helped him pay for things for his new room, and new clothes... and a few presents too. How did I get the money for this you ask? Working two jobs overtime, over the summer, and taking no days off really helps.

Of course, Jake found out and got seriously pissed, made me quit, and said he would pay for me for everything at the fair.

So... yeah. I had to go. But now I have to go on a tall ass Ferris Wheel, like, the famous one in Seattle big. I hate heights, I always freak out when I'm high up. Roller Coasters that are high up are different, since everybody's freaking out anyways, and it goes by so fast. But Ferris Wheels? Its going by so slowly. So. Painfully. Slow.



"We're in line. You good?" Jake checks in on me.


"Really? 'Cause you seem pretty distant."

He... he can't know about my phobia. I can't take his judgement, not right now.

"Yeah, I'm just tired."

"Rich. That's the excuse you use when you're lying, or something's up. Or both. What's going on?"

Damn. He knows me too well.

"I'm fine Jake, I promise. Just drop it, okay?"

He was obviously hesitant, but after a minute he just smiled sympathetically and went back to talking to our friends. I sighed, and stared at the Ferris Wheel. It was so tall, I noticeably shuddered at the thought of going on it.Next thing I know, my friends and I are up next, and I close my eyes out of fear.

I gulp, and feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch and force my eyes open, coming face to face with Jake.

"Rich, seriously, what's wrong?"

He was always so kind, its like he wants me to fall in love with him.

Ever since Freshman year, I've been a hopelessly in love pansexual (yes I'm making Rich pans, think about it. He would flirt with anyone once he got the chance😂) and Jake... is super straight. And now, even though I know I'll never be enough for him, he has to find out about my stupid, embarassing fear.

I'm brought out of my thoughts to Jake, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Rich? Yo, Richie! Earth to Richie!"

I chuckle lightly, and met his eyes. Oh, his gorgeous green eyes. They looked so magical, with the specks of gold and brown around the pupils.

"Yes, Jake?"

"Its our turn to get a seat. Come on!"

My breathing hitches, and I stiffen. I dreadfully climb into the cart after Jake, freaking out on the inside. Once the door closed, Jake turned to me.

"What's wrong?"

The wheel lurches forward, and I grimace.

"Bro, you literally look like you're in pain. What's up?"

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