Its My Birthday- BoyfRiends

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Just a random fluffy chapter to celebrate my birthday. Sorry it's kinda late, I've been super busy😒


*Jeremy's P.O.V.*

October 10th, the day my amazing boyfriend came into this fucked up world... and made it so much better. We've been friends for forever (AlL wE sEe Is SkY), and in a loving relationship for 1 year. It was only 1 hour until school which, knowing Michael's family, he would still be going. I bought 3 presents, knowing his love language is gifts. (If you don't know what the love languages are, there are 5. I won't get into it, because then I'll be on a rant, so just watch the video I put above... or Google it.)

He feels really self-conscious about it though, since he thinks its 'selfish.' But I think its cute. It makes him feel loved, so I'll do it. I walked to school, since my dad was too busy and I needed to wake up a bit. But as soon as I reach the, normally dreaded, building, I smiled brightly. I run up to my locker, and shove everything in it, except for a binder, a couple of textbooks, and a neatly wrapped present. (Taken care of my step-brother Evan, because I can't wrap shit) The present was a tiny box, but what was inside it was probably the best gift I've ever gotten.

It was an oversized (because Michael like oversized shirts) AOTD tee. But the thing about Apocalypse of the Damned, is that its so retro, its nearly impossible to find merch for it. So when I found this shirt deep deep in a Hot Topic store, I nearly screamed. I, of course, got a matching one for me, but we're not focused on that right now.

I was practically bouncing up and down from excitement when I neared Michael's locker, and smiled brightly when I saw his familiar red sweatshirt.

"Micha!" I yell joyfully as I ran up to him.

I got a couple of weird glances, but I don't give a shit. Especially when I saw Michael's cute smirk and huge, brown, glasses-covered eyes looking up at me. I shove all my stuff to my left arm, and give him a tight side hug. I quickly shove the present in his hands before he can grab anything from his locker, and he gives me a half-heartedly annoyed stare.

"Jer, you really didn't have to get me anything."

"Are you kidding? Its your birthday! Now, since we are both very lucky and our free period is one period away from lunch, we can easily go out to lunch, skip 4th, and sneak back in right before 5th."

Michael's eyes widened in anticipation.

"Skipping class Jeremy? My, what a bad influence I am to you."

"Yes, very. Now, there are two presents for you to open during school hours. The one you have right now-," I pointed to the wrapped box in his arms, "-and one I will give you during lunch. Then there's one after your family birthday dinner, but that's not until later."

Michael shook his head and blushed lightly.

"Jeremy, I don't need all of these presents, but... thank you."

I smile.

"Of course! And come on, I know you love presents, besides, as long as you pay me back with words of affirmation, I'm all good!"

He smirked, and placed my present for him in his locker, grabbing a few things after.

"I'll open it once we get out," he informs me.

I nod my head, and he slams his locker shut.

"So... I'll meet you Heere after 2nd period?" I asked.

"Definitely mi Amor," Michael confirms.

I blush, and quickly peck him on the cheek, speeding off to class.

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