Wish I were Zoe- Treebros

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A/N: Hey! So this is kind of a song fic based off of ‘Heather’ which I put above. You should definitely listen to it oml it’s such a good song. 

T.W.: Idk, it’s just angsty. If you get triggered easily I don’t recommend reading this. 

Connor’s P.O.V.

    I still remember the third of December, two days before my birthday. I was over at Evan’s house for a sleepover to celebrate, and I don´t think I’ve smiled so much in a day in the past few years. I was getting cold and I forgot my jacket; I had long sleeves though so I wouldn’t show my scars. But he noticed that I was cold as soon as I curled up into blankets on his bed. He gave me his sweater and told me it looked better on me than it did him.

If only he knew how much I liked him…

I left that sweater there. I didn’t know if he wanted me to keep it, and I didn’t want to ask. I really regret that decision. And now, here I am, and it’s just beginning to become spring. 


“So… what book are y-you been reading lately? I know that you f-finished ‘Ready Player One’ for the fiftieth time,” Evan chuckled as we sat down at our lunch table. 

I looked down and picked at my food. “What makes you think I always need to be reading a book?”

“I know you, Connor,” Evan laughed. “You’re always either reading or drawing. A-and since you’re not nose-deep in your sketchbook, you’re in the middle of a book. So w-what is it?”

Damn. He knows me so well...

“Romeo and Juliet.”

“Shakespeare?” Evan asked, obviously shocked. 

“Mhm. I love Shakespeare,” I replied with a nod. “I just think the writing is kinda... poetic.”

“The fact that you can u-understand the writing is impressive within itself.”

“What, Elizabethan? It’s easy to understand after a while,” I shrug.

“Oh yeah? Recite a quote t-then,” Evan teased. 

    Oh… he has no idea.

    I smirked, taking Evan’s hand and bowed in my seat a little just to make it all the more dramatic. “Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, brags of his substance, not in ornament. They are but beggars that can count their worth; but my love is grown to such excess I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth.”

    Evan looked at me with wide eyes, and I snickered as I let go of his hand. 

“You h-have lines memorized?!” he exclaimed. 

“Well… yeah. Not a lot, but a couple. I underline quotes I really like and usually-” 

    I cut myself off as I see that Evan’s attention is somewhere else completely. I know that look on his face. That’s the look I have whenever I see Evan. So who is he…

    I follow his gaze across the cafeteria only to see my… sister, who was walking to a table across the room. 


    I stand up abruptly, making Evan snap out of his trance. “Connor?”

    I grab my lunch tray and shoot him a smile. “Sorry Ev. I just remembered I have to go meet an acquaintance Mary Jane to study. See you later?”

    He looked really confused at first, but then just nodded. “Yeah, I’ll see you. Have fun with Mary Jane!” he chirped.

    God, he’s just so innocent. 

Be More Chill (And A Few Dear Evan Hansen) One Shots!Where stories live. Discover now