Soulmate AU Part 2- RichJake

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(Same rules as part 1)

T.W: Heavy make out (I'm sorry, but Jake and Rich are dirty minded people, so I'm going to make their interactions dirty.) And mention of suicide, but its over in a blink of an eye, and it doesnt happen to any of the main characters. I'm not a big fan of angst if you can't tell😉


*Rich's P.O.V.*

I have no idea what to expect. It was nearly midnight, and I had set multiple alarms, ensuring I would wake up with enough time to get ready and go to school. I desperately wanted it to be someone I know, my soulmate that is. Can you imagine how awkward it would be if it was a total stranger?

I am totally relieved that the soulmate... finder... thing... takes your sexualities into account. I am bisexual, but I prefer guys, and if I ended up with a stranger/girl, I've concluded, I would loose it. There are actually a lot of cute guys at my school, but all of them are either taken, or way too good/hot for me. Like Jake for example. I mean, yeah he's my friend, but he's hot... like really hot... and pansexual. He's basically my dream guy, but It'll never happen.
I look at the clock, and my eyes widen. 10 seconds until midnight. I can do this. I'm ready. I lay down in my bed, and close my eyes, instantly falling asleep.


I shoot out of my bed at my alarm going off at... what time is it now? Ah, 7:30 am. 20 minutes to get ready for the bus. I look down at my wrist cautiously, and my breathing hitches.

00hrs 40min 49sec

That's so soon! I quickly get dressed, comb through my hair in three seconds, because I don't give a fuck, and scarf down my breakfast. I have five extra minutes, so I just chill on the couch and listen to music, leaving for the bust stop when I absolutely have to.

When I climb on, I avoid any sort of human interaction, because honestly, I hate the bus. None of my friends go on the same bus as me, and its literally torture. I felt someone tap my shoulder suddenly, and I turn around in my seat, ripping out my earbuds impatiently.

And now, I am face to face with Thomas Jefferson. (HAMILTON REFERENCES ARE THE LITERAL BOMB!!!!) An overall nice guy, but a dick to me for some reason.

"Hey Goranski," he said slyly. "Find your soulmate yet?"

My brows furrowed, what is he up to?

"Not yet, no. I'm supposed to in-" I looked down at my arm "- 25 minutes."

He chuckled deviously, and shifted in his seat.

"As expected, I found my soulmate before you. Honestly, I'm surprised you even have one."

I then noticed the hand he was holding, and quickly glanced over at the guy sitting next to him. My eyes widen. James Madison. Probably just as smart, if not smarter, than Thomas. The more I thought of it, the more I realize how perfect they are for each other. I hope my soulmate and I will have the same connection that they have.

"Well, I'm happy that you've found your soulmate, now no one has to pity you sitting at lunch alone everyday. But, excuse me for asking, why are you being such a pain in the ass right now?"

An angry glint shone in Thomas's eyes at my statement, and he quickly rolled them and cleared his throat when I was done.

"I'm just curious as to who your soulmate will be. I feel bad for whoever it is though. I mean, who would want to, much less deserve to end up with a short, dumb-ass of a nobody like you?"

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