Nightmares- RichJake

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T.W: sleeping problems (insomnia, nightmares, shiz like that), mentions of suicide.


*Jake's P.O.V.*

Rich has been getting nightmares. Really bad nightmares. He, of course, won't tell me what they're about, but they're obviously horrible judging by his behavior. I've been trying to have more sleepovers with him, because maybe then he'll feel comforted. But he really doesn't want me there. Which means they're worse than I imagined.

Rich's mom left a couple years ago, and his dad is either working, or passed out drunk on the couch. So no one is helping Rich right now. But, being his boyfriend, I will without even complaining. Because I really do want to help him, this whole situation is making him loose sleep, and making me sad and concerned. I finally convinced him to let me sleepover tonight, but the only reason he said yes is because he knew, deep down, he desperately needed someone there.

Rich has also been developing some pretty bad insomnia, and he hasn't slept for three days. How do I know, you ask? We're both in the nurse's office, since he literally passed out from exhaustion. We were just walking down the hallway, and he suddenly stopped, and fell into my arms. I carried him to the nurse five hours ago. The nurse said to just let him sleep, but by now, we were trying to wake him up, being pretty scared since nothing. Was. Working.

I splashed water on his face, and he instantly sat up, looking extremely out of it. That was 15 minutes ago,and now the nurse was doing paperwork, and we were, slowly, walking to my car.

"So, I was thinking, we could go to your house, eat some snacks, then you can take a nap? Maybe turn on a movie or something so you have some white noise."

"No. I'm not sleeping Jake," Rich muttered assertively.

"What? Why? Its literally going to kill you if you don't."

"I would rather die than have a dream like I did last time."

My eyes widen, and I wrapped my right arm around his waist.

"Rich you gotta tell me what's going on in your dreams. Maybe talking about it will help! But seriously love, you gotta get to sleep."

Rich climbed into the passenger seat of the car quickly, probably to hide the blush from the nickname. I smile and also climb into the car on the other side. I turn the car engine on, and sped off to his house, everything I need for the sleepover in the back.

When we got to Rich's house, I hurridly got out of the car, and placed my duffle bag strap over my shoulder. I rushed to Rich's side, and by the time I got there, he was still getting out of the car. I scooped him up bridal style, and he squeaked in surprise. Why did I do it? I don't know. He was too tired and cute to not hold.

Rich whined, and swatted at my chest, showing his dissapproval of me holding him. Eventually we reached the door, and he was too tired to not give in. I smiled down at my adorable Richie, and opened the front door. I walked to his room, and was about to plop him onto the bed to mess with him, but then I heard soft snores coming from the shorty. I chuckle breathily, and softly place him under the covers. I run my fingers through his hair, and study his sleeping, innocent, at-peace expression on his face.

I slowly lay down next to him to not wake him up. I plug in my ear-buds and turn Netflix on in my phone.


Its been three fucking hours, and Rich hasn't woken up yet. I mean, its good that he's getting the rest he needs, but I still want him to be able to sleep tonight. I tugged out my ear-buds, and turned to face Rich, but then I froze. His face looked terrified.

He was lightly whimpering, and I noticed that he was trembling. Damn it! Why wasn't I watching him?! I was supposed to watch him! I immediately spring into action, slowly and lightly placing my hand on his shoulder. I started shaking him a bit, and called out to him.

"Rich? Hey Richie, you're okay. I'm here, you need to wake up."

He didn't wake up, so I just started to shake him harder. Then, he did something that really terrified me. He let out this wracked sob, but he sounded so scared... and in pain. That's when I realized how pale he was, and I was sent over the edge with worry.

"Rich?! RICH?!"

He just squirmed, and started bawling. It was like he was trapped in his own dream, and that made me tear up in fear. I slap the side of his face semi-roughly and forcefully, making him shoot up and gasp for breath. I sigh in relief, but then get scared again when I hear him practically scream with sobs.

His body shakes with every cry, and I instantly pull him into my lap. He curls in on himself, and lays his head on my chest.
I just let him cry, whispering sweet comments in his ears and combing my fingers through his hair. He calms down after about 10 minutes, only letting out occasional whimpers and lightly squeezing my torso.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

He took a deep breath, and clutched onto my shirt.

"You said I wasn't worth living for, and that you couldn't find anything to stay alive for. I wasn't enough. Nor will I ever be."

I sighed, and shook my head.

"Rich, you and I both know that is inaccurate."

"B-but then you... you took your own life, the SQUIP came back, all of our friends stopped talking to me. It felt so real Jake! Just every possible negative thing that could have happened... happened! And I just wanted to... I wanted to die. So bad. And right when... I was about to make that happen... you woke me up. I can't dream like this anymore, Jake. I can't!"

"Hey, hey... you don't have to anymore, okay? You're dad is doing Jack-shit for you right now, so you're officially staying at my house for a while after this. I read a bit on how to deal with nightmares, and night lights supposedly help, so we can get one of those later. Relaxing right before you fall asleep helps too, so I can cuddle you and play with your hair until you fall asleep every night," I tighten my grip around him.

Rich smiles, and I tousle his hair.

"And it also says that it helps to give a better, positive ending; so here's what would have really happened. Its a normal day after school, and we head to my house. We're just chilling on my bed, watching Netflix, and you're in my lap being as cute as ever. I'm constantly telling you over and over how much I love you, and what I love about you. Which is a lot by the way."

Rich snuggles up to me even more, and starts sniffling, probably fighting back tears. But let me just say; he is hella adorable. He soon drifts off to sleep, and I just enjoy holding my extremely loveable boyfriend, staring down at him and stroking his hair until he wakes up again. This time, taking a full, unbothered nap.

Holy moly guys!!!!! I was not expecting this many views on my book! So I was thinking that after the 30th chapter or whatever I could write like an actual BMC or DEH or Sanders Sides book. Like with an actual plot😂 Let me know what you guys think! Love y'all!
Bi my queers!
Your flaming, awkward, not-so-straight writer,
1317 words

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