I've Got You- BoyfRiends

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T.W: (A LOT) Abusive and manipulative relationship, violence, a light attempt at... sexual assault. Its not that severe! Doesn't this just give you hope for this chapter? XD

BoyfRiends (And toxic Squipemy)

(The Squip is an actual human being in this, just his name is still Squip, lmao)

(Also! Credit to Anxiousmusicalgeek. She really helped me with this one.)

*3rd person P.O.V.*

Michael sighed, sitting on his beanbag. He hasn't seen Jeremy since he got together with that Squip guy, and he was starting to get worried. He unlocked his phone, sending Jeremy a 'Hey! You wanna come over? Doritos, Mtn Dew, and AOTD calling our names!'

Jeremy heard his phone go off, and jumped to view the notification. He smiled after reading the message, instantly sending back a 'Sure! Be there in 15!'

Planning on walking to Michael's, he got dressed in clothes that weren't pajamas, and started heading downstairs. When he got to the front door, he froze after hearing a cold and harsh voice behind him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Jeremy spun around, coming face to face with Squip.

"J-just to a friend's house. Michael. You remember him, right?"

Squip tsked.

"I do. And I thought we discussed this Jeremiah. You aren't allowed to see him anymore."

Jeremy's eyes widened, and he took a step back.

"W-what? But why?" He asks while twiddling his thumbs.

"Your ticks and fidgets really are persistent. We'll fix that," he sighed. "Anyways. I can tell that Michael likes you, in a 'more than friends' way. What if you leave me for him? What if, even worse, you leave me for him and he takes advantage of you? Leaving you when you're not of use to him anymore?"

Jeremy's heart soared at the possibility of Michael liking him, but then it crashed and burned. First of all, Squip is his own boyfriend, he shouldn't be thinking about Michael in that way. He was dating Squip to get over him for a reason; he had him to love now.

Secondly, would Michael really leave him? After all they've been through? Jeremy felt his eyes start to water.

"Oh baby, I'm just trying to keep you safe," Squip muttered while pulling him into a hug.


He smacked Jeremy's back, and not in a comforting way.

"No stuttering, Jeremiah." (I literally have a stutter myself, so don't think I judge my stuttery peeps for a second)

Jeremy swallowed, and sniffed while hugging him back.

"I would never leave you, Squip. And you really think that M-Michael would just... leave me?"

Squip sighed.

"Good. And as for Michael? Yes. That's what he would do, Jer. You can't just trust everyone, hun."

Jeremy nodded, and pulled away slightly.

"Yeah... okay, okay. What should we do now, then?"

Squip shrugged.

"Why don't we go upstairs? We can cuddle~?"

Jeremy was normally a very cuddly person, but he started to feel uncomfortable and he couldn't really place why.

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