I'll Protect You- RichJake

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(T.W: bullying; beatings, injuries, homophobic slurs, ...sexual assault kind of? It get's stopped, and it doesn't go all the way. Jesus, I feel like such a perv.)


*Rich's P.O.V.*

     Ever since the fire, my life has been a living hell. I didn't get over my love for Jake, like the SQUIP intended me to do. Jake did forgive me, thank God, because if he didn't, I wouldn't be able to live with myself but... I still can't help but feel guilty. And it really doesn't help when I'm beat up every Tuesdays and Thursdays (because of their football practice schedule) for being a 'fag' or a 'perv.' Apparently Jake is far too popular for my fucked up mistake to go unnoticed, and honestly, I don't blame them.

     The only thing that's keeping me alive are my friends. Jake included. I would normally hang out with Jake, but then Michael, Jeremy, Jenna, Brooke, Chloe, and Christine joined the mix. And I love them. Like seriously, best friends I could ever ask for. But they don't know about me being pulled into the boys bathroom twice a week, and being pummeled and told over and over how much of a freak I am. No one knows, except for me and two jocks; Kurt and Ram. A couple of asshats, who, surprisingly, are as strong as they look.

     But here I am, tapping on my desk on a Thursday, for the last five minutes, dreading my beat up time between third and fourth period. At least I have lunch after fourth, then I can see my friends. And Jake. We have second period together, and I can remember that smile he gave me across the classroom. It was so... angelic. Everything about him is perfect. (Right down to your blood type! If you get this reference, I will follow you, and possibly ask you to marry me😂).

     I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the bell ringing, and I groan out of apprehension. These beatings started two weeks after I got out of the hospital, and have been going on for about... two and a half months now? As soon as I got out of the classroom, I had an interesting thought. What if I actually try to get away this time? Like... actually leave the school and come back during 4th period? Seeing no issues with the idea, I quickly grab my car keys from my locker, and start heading outside.
I got my own car for my sixteenth birthday, and yeah, its just a simple 2015 red Corolla car, but I freaking love it. I was speed walking to a parking lot, and almost there, until I felt arms quickly and roughly wrap around me, and pull me behind a corner. I gasped, and was pinned against the wall, by none other than... Ram.

"Thought you could get away from us today, huh shorty?" Kurt spoke up.

"Well, yeah. You guyth are a bunch of dumbatheth."

     I flush in embarassment at my lisp. It usually comes out when I'm anxious, nervous or scared. In this case, I was all three.

     Ram throws me to the ground and kicks me in the ribs, and I let out a grunt.

"Don't you fucking call us that you piece of shit! Why do we even waste our time with you?!"

"I don't know, you tell me," I remark.

~~~(If you guys want to skip the forced sexual stuff, it starts here. I'll let you know when it ends too.)~~~

  Kurt moves Ram aside, and straddles me. I raised an arched brow, and start to question what he has planned for me this time. He quickly wraps his hand around my throat. I let out a strangled gasp, entangling my hands around his and desperately trying to tug him off.

"You probably like that, huh you kinky fag?"

     Kurt starts grinding down on me, and I let out a muffled cry. He let's go of my throat, and rips off my shirt. I start screaming at him to let me go, but then he shoves my shirt inside my mouth, shutting me up. The perks of coming out as bi, I guess. People just assume you want a quick fuck from any gender. But Kurt knows I don't want this, this was his way of teaching me a lesson, and this change is terrifying.

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