Never Have I Ever- BoyfRiends

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T.W: Panic attack and social anxiety mentions of under-age drinking

BoyfRiends with a hint of RichJake

*Role play I did with Anxiousmusicalgeek go follow her! She's awesome!*

"I don't know about this Jeremy..." Michael muttered and held onto his boyfriend's hand tighter as they went to Jake's new house. He was throwing a party for the gang.

"Michael. It won't be the same as last time, I promise. I'm right here. I won't leave you again, okay?" Jeremy reassures well knocking on the front door.

      Michael slowly nodded and moved closer to Jeremy. Someone shouted from inside the house, "ShUt uP, cHlOe!" and Jake opened the door, holding a red Solo cup, "Hey guys! Come on in!"

      Jeremy smiled up at Jake, and led himself and Michael into the house. They walked in the living room to see Rich, Christine, Jenna, Brooke and Chloe all sprawled out on the couch and chatting. Jake sat next to Rich after leading us inside and placed his boyfriend on his lap. Jeremy smiled at the fact that basically everyone in the room was a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Maybe that would calm Michael down a bit.

      Michael waved at everyone, and sat on the couch. Jenna took a picture of Rich and Jake along with Michael and Jeremy. She snickered to herself and went back to gossiping. Chloe sat up and slowly grinned. "Guys, how about we play a game?"

     Jeremy sighed. Having pictures taken non-consensually always freaked Michael out. Including himself to be honest. And he knew Chloe had something planned for this game, he could tell just by her posture. He wrapped one arm around Michael's waste and squeezed in reassurance.

"Sure! What game?" Christine asked excitedly.

"Never Have I Ever," Jenna answered with a devilish smirk.

"Hell yeah!" Rich exclaimed. 

      Jake smiled and held him closer, and Michael smiled as well, but nervously. Because its Michael. Chloe smirked, and nodded.

"Alright. Who wants to go first?"

      Jeremy could feel Michael start to shrink into his figure, and he knew he would have to push himself out of his comfort zone if he was expecting Michael to do the same.

"I'll go," Jeremy mutters nonchalantly.

      Everyone looks at him expectantly and he gulps.

"Never have I ever had more than one shot of tequila."

      Most of the group put one of their fingers down except for Christine and Michael. Chloe raised an eyebrow and looked at Michael. "Wait, Michael? You've never had more than one shot?"

"...No," Michael shifted uncomfortably.

     Chloe giggled a little bit, brushing her hair back. 

"You loser. I assumed you would have had more than one shot," she said sarcastically.

       Michael froze.

      Jeremy instantly tensed at the word, shooting Chloe a death glare. They should know by now to not tease Michael. He's already been through enough shit. He could feel Michael start to shake intensely in his grip, and Jeremy loosened around him, making sure Michael knew he had the choice in what to do next. Rich and Brooke instantly noticed how uneasy Michael was, and they jumped into action.

"Aw Mich. She didn't mean it," Brooke cooed.

"You're definitely not a lother Michael," Rich comforts.

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