Coffee- Deere

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(*sigh* I know, I know. That's a boyfriends pic. But look at it in a way where Jake obviously isn't interested, Jeremy is jealous of Christine, and Michael is comforting Jer p l a t o n i c a l l y.) 

(Okay so originally I was going to be done with this book. But thanks to quarantine- I probably am not going back to school for the rest of this grade, btw- I am only writing my book, doing chores, and doing online school. So I'm fucking bored. Thanks to waddle_gets_squipped I am adding a couple of Deere one-shots, by their request. So, as of now, requests are open. So... share away guys. Because I am literally doing nothing.)

T.W: Small outburst 

Jake's P.O.V.

      Today fucking sucks.

      Brooke spilled her stupid vitamin drink on my jacket, my football was flattened by a dumbass school bus, I had to stay inside for lunch because of a missing assignment I had to finish, and I hardly saw Jeremy today.

     I looked down at my phone, instantly smiling. It's 3:30, which means Jeremy's shift had already started. After his dad found out that he used most of his Bar Mitzvah money on that stupid Tic-Tac, he instantly made him get a job. Jeremy decided on a coffee shop, since that would mean free coffee for himself. He has an obsession with coffee I will never understand. 

      I hate coffee, but Jeremy doesn't know that. Only Rich does. I go to the coffee shop every week day at around 3:35, talk to Jeremy till about 4:00 after ordering- he always went on break at 3:40 to talk to me. I would give Rich- who I met outside afterwards- my coffee, since Rich likes that stuff too, for some reason. I would talk to him about how adorable Jeremy is, but he doesn't care, since I would also let him talk about his boyfriend Timothy Kleinman. A super fucking smart freshman at our school.

      But now here I am, walking from school to the coffee shop- I stay at the high school for a bit after classes end to play ball with friends, waiting for Jeremy's shift to start.

      So... okay yes I may or may not have a small obsession with Jeremy. But it's not my fault he's so goddamn cute. We kinda started bonding a lot after the Squipcident, him still in the group, with us gladly welcoming Michael into it. Along with Jeremy's step-brother Evan and some of his friends, one of them being Timothy's older brother. The more merrier.

      But Jeremy came out as bisexual to all of us about a month ago, and me and my polysexual ass fell harder for him than I already had. (Ay, where's my polysexual fam? We need more representation-) He knows I'm polysexual, hell, everyone at my high school knows. I wonder who's fault that is, Jenna

      I sighed, smiling when I arrived at the coffee shop. In case you're wondering, no. Jeremy does not know I like him, and I'm planning to keep it that way for a while.

      I opened the door with a grin, walking in and towards the cashier. But I didn't see Jeremy. I just saw some chick with hair big enough to be full of fucking secrets. 

"Hey! How can I help you?" she asked.

      Her smile was hella fake.

"Yeah, um... is Jeremy here today?"

"U-uh I'm not sure. He's probably on break or took his day off."

       It's not his break yet, which means...

       Fucking goddammit. 

      I just wanted to see him! Is that too much to ask? After a hard day, I couldn't even see the person that makes happy??

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