Thanks for Reading, and NEW BOOK!

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Alright guys! So, thanks to all of you for reading this book!!! I really appreciate. More than you'll know. But! I have officially published my first chapter to my new book, 'I'll Help You.' It's a Michael × Evan fic. Which, basically a lot of you may already know, I am obsessed with that ship. It also has like... no fan art or books about them, so... might as well contribute to the upbringing of Mama's Bois!!!! But if you want to, go ahead and check out my book, and maybe find a new ship to enjoy? Unless you already enjoy it. In that case? You are my new best friend XD

 In that case? You are my new best friend XD

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But yeah. Guess this is it for this book then. See you guys in my next story! Peace! Love you guys!

Bi my queers!

Your flaming, not-so-straight writer,


130 words

Be More Chill (And A Few Dear Evan Hansen) One Shots!Where stories live. Discover now