I Love You-BoyfRiends

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T.W: mentions of suicide attempt (dw its not really angsty)


*Michael's P.O.V.*

Tonight is the monthly night I sleepover with Jeremy. The night where we share a bed, and I'm an anxious mess. I can't help but feel this way about it, since I've been in love with him for the past three years. I mean, ever since he became an out-of-the-closet bisexual, I couldn't help but get nervous around him, since he could possibly like me back. We still hang out 24/7, so he's used to my nervous antics.

I'm already driving to his house? When did that happen? I guess I'm just really out of it today then. When I arrive outside his house, I let out a deep breath, and grab my duffle bag. I get out of the car, and head towards the front door, starting to knock. I'm interrupted by the door swinging open and Jeremy's blue eyes looking up at me.

"Michael!" He yells excitedly and wraps me in a hug.

I smile at his enthusiasm, and hug him back.

"Hey Jer. I missed you!"

"Me too! Ugh, we barely got to hang out this summer, and its almost over! Stupid visiting my mom."

"And stupid going to Washington D.C. right after you get back."

Visiting family members suck when you try to hang out with your best friend. He chuckles and pulls me inside, and we start heading up to his room. I drop my duffle bag to the floor, and collapse onto the bed, Jeremy heading to his t.v. I sit up, and fiddle with the sleeves of my sweatshirt. Jeremy throws a video game controller at me and I, luckily, catch it.


I nod my head excitedly at Jeremy's offer, and he hurridly starts the game.

~Le Time Skip~

It was about 1:00am when we decided to get ready for bed, which its usually 2-3:00am. Jeremy must be tired. We both crawled into bed, and he turned the opposite direction from me. My eyes widen. He must be really tired if he's not planning on talking well we fall asleep.
I curled up into the blankets, about to fall asleep, when Jeremy spoke up.


"Yeah Jer?"

"Have you ever been... in love?"

I froze.


"Have... have you ever been so in love, that there hasn't been a moment you don't think about them?"

"...yes... have you?"

He completely ignores the question.

"What do you do when you know they'll never love you back?"

My breathing hitched.

"I... I don't know."

There was a long pause.

"Are... are you currently in a situation like that?"

I sighed, and turned towards him, his back still facing me.


Please don't ask who, please don't ask who, please-.

"I'm sorry. It sucks, doesn't it?"

My heart skips a beat, then sinks.

He loves someone.

"Yeah... yeah it does."

Another long pause.

"Goodnight Michael."

"Goodnight Jeremy."


I thought I was going to be able to fall right back asleep... boy was I wrong. About an hour has passed, and I haven't gotten a blink of rest. But then, I decided to try something really risky.

"Jer? You awake?"

No answer.

I sigh.

"What are you doing to me Jer?" I ask, not even above a whisper.

Before I even know it, I'm on a rant.

"We're going to be seniors, seniors, next year, and I haven't even confessed yet. You know that day, 3 1/2 years ago, when you found me crying in the bathroom at school? I never told you why, and I don't think I ever will. But it was the day I decided to not jump off that bridge off of Kleinman Ave.

"When I got off the ledge, and actually figured that I can't end my life, I actually head to school-"

I laugh lightly, but it wasn't a real laugh,

"That day? When you found me? It was the first time you actually skipped classes, and it was for me. Not only was that day the saddest day of my life, it was the day I realized..."

I started quietly sobbing.

"I can't... I can't s-say it out loud... because then it would be real. And then I would really have to face the fact that you could never..."

I take a deep breath, and without thinking, I trace 'I love you' on Jeremy's back. Before I could lay back to my normal position, I felt arms wrap around me, and the softest whisper;

"I love you too."

Part two? Only if you guys want it. I think its just fine where it is but... let me know what you think! Love you guys!
Bi queers!
Your flaming, awkward, bisexual writer,

797 words.

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