I'll Protect You Part 2- RichJake

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T.W: Mentions of beatings and sexual harassment


*Jake's P.O.V.*

"Come on. Let's go to the nurse," I mutter, pulling him along lightly.
He. Likes. Me. Back. Holy shit. And Kurt and Ram... you know what? I'm not even going to think about them, or I might punch a wall.


I turn my attention to the short boy.

"Yeah Richie?"

"What do you thinkth gonna h-happen to me when we get t-to the nurthe?"

"Well... judging by what you've said about your arm, there's probably something wrong with it. So they'll probably check it out and do... something. Well they're taking care of you, I'll grab a staff member that has the authority to do something about Kurt and Ram. Then you tell them what happened."

"O-okay. One more quethtion."


"What are w-we?"

I pause for a second, and stop walking. Rich stops walking too, and gives me a nervous expression.

"Whatever you're ready for Rich. I don't want to rush you into anything, especially after what just happened. But I really would love to be in a relationship with you."

Rich smiles, and wraps me in a hug.

"And I would love to be your boyfriend, Jake."

I smile back at him, and peck him on the cheek. He blushes, and I internally squeal. This boy is so cute, he will literally be the death of me.


When Rich gets himself situated in the nurse's office, I set off to the front office. When I get there, I explain the situation to one of the front desk employees, and she said she would send Vice Principal Mrs. Sawyer, down in a couple minutes.

Okay with the compromise, I head back down to the nurse, eager to see how Rich was doing. When I walked back in the room, I heard a pop sound, and Rich cry out in pain. I ran into the office, only to see the nurse wrapping Rich's right arm in a sling. His eyes were welled with tears, and my jacket that he was wearing was unbuttoned and taken off his right side, barely still on his left shoulder. I hate to say it right now, but he looked so hot.

I shook my head. Focus Jake.

"What... what happened?" I ask.

The nurse's head perked up, and she finished wrapping the sling.

"His arm was dislocated, I just needed to pop it back into place. If he keeps it in a sling for the next two weeks, he should be good. No sports for a couple months though."

I nod my head, and turn to Rich.

"Which one did it?"

He lowers his gaze, and fiddles with my jacket.


The nurse turns to me.

"There's a shirt in the lost and found that should fit him. You just have to help him put it on."

I nod my head.

"Could you get it for us?"

She also nods, and walks out of the room.

"Is someone coming to... talk about it?" Rich questioned.

"Yeah. Vice Principal Sawyer should be down here in a couple minutes."

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