Holly Jolly Christmas!- BoyfRiends and RichJake

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T.W: None, I don't think.

(Christmas special!) BoyfRiends and RichJake (Also super short... sorry not sorry...)

*Michael's P.O.V.*

      Jeremy and I have been planning to get Rich and Jake together for weeks. Its basically our goal as a couple. I mean... think about all the double dates we could go on! But the four of us arranged a Christmas party at my place, and its the perfect time to get those two lovebirds together.

      Why are we doing this? Well, Rich told me liked Jake, and Jake told Jeremy he liked Rich. Its sad, how oblivious they are, really. After we told each other we've been trying to set them up constantly. We're a bit evil at times.

      But Jeremy and I have been setting up decorations, including mistletoe, for the past hour. Rich and Jake would be arriving any second now. Jeremy turned to me after putting up the last bit of tinsel, and gave me finger guns, signaling we were ready. 

      I smile triumphantly, but my eye widen as my front door barges open.

"Thup gayth!" Rich shouts.

      Jeremy laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"Every time you enter my house, Rich," I whine.

      I punch him lightly in the arm as he enters the living room, Jake entering after him. Rich laughed obnoxiously, and plopped onto the couch with Jake. (YOU CARVED OPEN MY HEART! CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME TO BLEED!!!!! Sorry, I'm done now. That song started playing, and its my favorite Heathers song so-)

"So. What's the plan here? What're we gonna do?" Jake asked.

"Just talking is nice..." Jeremy muttered.

"Oh god Jer. You're too sweet. We have ingredients to make cookies! That'll be fun!" I suggested.

"Thure, I'm down," Rich shrugged.

"Let's do it," Jeremy cheered while hopping off the couch and Naruto running into the kitchen.

      Jake, Rich and I followed Jeremy, Rich and I laughing as Jake groaned. We watched him frantically searching for ingredients, snickering.

"Alright! All ready!" Jeremy grinned.

      I smirked, and made my way over to Jeremy, pecking his forehead. 

"Okay gays. We gotta mix the liquids first," I instruct.

"But I'm bi," Rich corrected.

"So am I," Jeremy mumbled.

"And I'm pans."

"Okay! So I'm the only gay guy heere. But Rich calls us gays all the time! Why can't I?"

"Because you're the gay one!" Rich pointed out.

      I shrugged. "Point taken."


      We were all mixing everything together, and then it was time for the flour. When Jake added it in, a bit spilled out of the bowl and onto Rich's face.

"What the hell Jake?" he laughed.

"I'm sorry Richie G!" he snickered.

"You think ith funny, huh?" he scowled with an obvious streak of flour across his cheek.

      He grabbed a pinch of flour from the bag and threw it at Jake's face. He flinched as it splattered across his nose and chin.


      Said boy laughed, keening over... that is until Jake took a handful of flour and dumped it on his head.

"Jake! Oh my god! You are tho getting it now!"

       Rich grabbed the bag away from Jake as Jeremy and I watched the scene unfold. 

"W-wait! Rich! Let's talk about this-"

      The smol boi interrupted the jock by throwing a handful of flour onto his shirt. I look around, waiting for this fight to end. But then my eyes land on something that'll definitely help get Rich and Jake together. I tapped Jeremy's shoulder, and signaled to a piece of mistletoe hanging from the kitchen archway.

"If we can get them under it..."

      Jeremy smirked. "I got it."

"Ugh! Rich! Now I have to wash this!"

"And now I have to wath my hair! Ith payback!"

"Oh really-" 

"Guys!" Jeremy shouted.

      Rich and Jake both looked over at the boyfs.

"What Jeremy?" Rich asked impatiently.

"You both made such a mess! Just look at the kitchen! And I have to clean it up!" he whined. "Just get out of the kitchen," he groaned.

       I smirked and stepped back, allowing Jake and Rich to step out. As soon as they got to the archway, I let out an urgent "Stop." 

       They froze, and I snickered.

"Do us a favor and look up," Jeremy snorted.

       Rich's head shot up, eyes widening and cheeks reddening at the sight of the plant. Jake, however, looked up slowly and gasped.

"M-Michael, Jeremy, what the hell?!" Rich yelped.

"We can't just-"

"Ah ah ah. Its tradition," I interrupted Jake.

"Besides," Jeremy spoke. "You both know you want it. We know too."

      Rich looked to the side, and shifted on his feet anxiously. Jake nodded shakily, and cupped Rich's face, forcing the smaller to look up. He quickly placed his lips against Rich's, and Jeremy and I cheered as they pulled away.

      In a quick motion, Rich wrapped his arms around Jake's neck and shoved the both of them into another kiss. Jake backed Rich into a wall roughly and it got more heated as Jeremy and I looked away.

"W-we should probably give them some privacy," Jeremy squeaked.

"Yeah. Definitely," I confirmed quickly before we booked it down to the basement.

There ya guys go! Merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate it, happy holidays!!! I'll update again over break, so soon! Love you guys! Thanks for reading!

Bi my queers!

Your flaming, awkward, not-so-straight writer,


893 words

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