Soulmate AU- BoyfRiends

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(An active, tiny, stop-watch like tattoo appears on your wrist for each yearly generation on September 23rd. It counts down till you see your soulmate for the first time that day. You could have already met them, it just starts from September 23rd as if you're meeting them for the first time. You get the tattoo when you turn 17)

T.W: None


*Jeremy's P.O.V.*

Here I am. Lying face-up on my bed, questioning my existence. It's 11:55 p.m. September 22nd. It's me and Michael's turn to find out our soulmate and... I'm not ready. I mean, the soulmate thing... whatever... takes your sexuality into account, so that's nice. Since Michaels' gay, he'll end up with an awesome guy... tears welled in my eyes.

I want to be Michael's awesome guy, his soulmate. But he doesn't know that. He knows that I'm bisexual, and that I'm in love with a boy, but not who it is. And whoever I get as a soulmate... I'll never be happy with them, because they're not Michael. I will never be happy.

I look at the clock again. 11:58. Two more minutes. Thing is, when you get the tattoo, your body is instantly drained. In other words, as soon as it turns 12 a.m., you pass out. So my last chance to talk to Michael, before he finds his soulmate, and tell him, would be now.

How do I know he's not my soulmate, you ask? Easy, he's too amazing for me. I treated him like garbage when I got the SQUIP, and I still feel bad about it. We still hang out just as much as we used to, if not more, I just... I don't deserve his love. All the sudden I hear my phone ring, and I look over at it. Michael was calling me, and it was one minute till midnight. He better make it quick. I answer the phone, and put it up to my ear, only to be met with Michael's screams.

"JEREMY! Okay, I know we don't have much time, but there's something I have to tell you before you meet your soulmate."

I swallow. He's going to tell me he doesn't want to be friends anymore, so he can spend quality time with his soulmate. I know it.

"O-okay. Go ahead," I mutter.

"Alright. I know you'll probably hate me after this, but I need to get this off my chest."

Oh god.

" I'm in love with you. So much. And... I just needed you to know."

I'm at a loss for words. This was not how I expected this conversation to go.

"Micha I..."

"It's okay Jeremy. I want you to be happy, and in order for you to be happy, you need to be with your soulmate. I respect that, and I get it if you don't want to be friends with me anymore. Just... hopefully I can be happy with mine."

That stung. It stung so much it burned.

I know exactly where Michael was coming from, and I just wanted to scream how much I loved him. But... I couldn't. He could actually be happy without me, and he deserves not only better than me, but to be happy. I need to let him go, but the pain he would face if I told him I didn't love him! I need to tell him the truth, but that he needs to move on. I open my mouth to speak, but he interrupts me.

"10 seconds to midnight. Goodbye Jeremy. It was fun while it lasted."

He hung up.

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