Playing Video Games- BoyfRiends

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T.W: No smut, but heavy make out. And suggestive ending...


*Micheal's P.O.V.*

I was at Jeremy's house after school, planning to play video games like there's no tomorrow. I'm sat on his bed, and waiting for Jeremy to finally put in the freaking video game.

He flops onto the bed, and I turn towards the tv screen. Mario Kart, probably one of the best video games to play with Jeremy. He, as always, chooses Koopa Troopa, and I choose my usual; Yoshi.

"You choose the first two tracks, I'll choose the last two?" Jeremy offers.

I nod my head, and choose Mushroom Gorge (my fav) and, obviously, beat him. Then I choose Wario's Gold Mine, one that Jeremys' really bad at, and score 1st place again.

When we were finished, I turn towards Jeremy in a mocking way.

"Your turn."

He rolls his eyes, and picks Sherbet Island. Once again, one that I'm good at. I score 1st (for the third time!) and Jeremy threw down his remote and let out a disgruntled groan.

"Hey, cheer up! Sometimes we just have days where we forget how to play video games!"

"Michael~," Jeremy whines.

I snicker, but stop when I see Jeremy's lips curl into a smirk.

"What? What are you planning?"

I see his fingers press some buttons on the remote, and he looks up at the tv. I follow his gaze...

Rainbow Road.

Oh. This means war.

Jeremy and I would practice Rainbow Road for hours on end, just so we could be really good with the level. And we are, now, really good. But at the same skill level. So when we play, things get a little... Intense. Before I knew it, the race has started, and we were attempting to shove eachother off the track.

"Get out of my way!" Jeremy yelled.

"In your dreams! Eat my dust!" I yell back, bumping him off the track, and speeding ahead.

"Gah! Seriously Michael?!"

I laugh whole-heartedly.

"Sorry Jer, but you're not breaking my first place streak just yet."

"Oh really?"

I look at him in confusion, and don't get a response, so I look back at the screen. A Blue Shell.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would."

He presses the button, and sends the blue whisps in my direction. I try to get as far away from Jeremy and the CPUs as possible, but to my dismay, five players, including Jeremy, zoom past me. Next thing I know, I'm trailing behind in third, on the second lap.

Jeremy was much in front of me and the CPU, but I start to get a revenge plan. I zoom past the last CPU, and I start on my path to Jeremy. I kept my thumb on the gas button, and shift my body towards him.

"Michael...? What are you- Ah!"

I interrupt him by attacking his sides, and his remote dropped to the ground.

"H-Hey-Ah!- Micha! That's-ss not f-fair!" he protests, well laughing uncontrollably.

I speed past his not-moving car, and stop tickling him, shifting my body back and almost done with the third lap.

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