Jock x Nerd Part 2- BoyfRiends

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T.W: Mentions of bullying and injuries, homophobic idiot, talk about rape (its over in 2 seconds) and some smutty stuff.


*Michael's P.O.V.*

     Everything felt hazy. I don't know if it was because my crush was practically dragging me out the school, or if it was because I was hit and kicked so many times. Wait a second... I was being brought to safety, but what about...

"Christine," I groan quietly.

"She's fine. My friend Jennas' got her."

"Where are we-?"

"To my car, then to my place. We have to patch you up, but there's no way I'm letting you stay here to go to the nurse. You are also too out of it to guide me to your house so..."

     He places me in the passenger seat of the car, and gets in after. Once he pulls out of the school, he sighs.

"Now that I know you're safe, and you'll be fine, I can do this."

     Before I could even ask what he meant, he began to yell. "What in the hell were you thinking?!"

     I flinch.

"You can't just punch someone and expect them to not fight back!"

     He was still driving, but kept glancing back at me every now and then.

"Right. I'm sorry, I forgot you were friends with Dustin Kropp." I sneered well he pulled into a neighborhood. "Next time he threatens to rape my friend, who is asexual by the way, I'll make sure to make-up with him, and we can act all buddy-buddy. Just to make you happy."

     Jeremy slammed on the brakes.

"I'm sorry, he did what?"

     His voice was intimidatingly low, but I was too worked up to care.

"He threatened to rape my asexual friend Christine, and called me a fag. But you're right! I should control my temper."

     He started driving again, and placed his hand on mine. My head shoots up to meet his eyes, but they're already on the road.

"You had every right to react the way you did. I'm sorry Dustin did that to both of you, I'll talk to him."

     I nod.

"Thanks Jeremy, I owe you one."

"No," he mumbled. "You don't."

     He pulls into his driveway,  and gets out of the car. He walks over to my side, opens the door, and helps me out. I look up. His house looked like a normal-sized two story house. It was a grey-ish color, with a very light blue door. I smiled. It looked... welcoming.

     He led me inside and up the stairs slowly, and into his room. I plopped onto his bed immediately, and he laughed. He left for a couple minutes, then came back with a bunch of bandages and shit.

"Where does it hurt?"

     I sit up and groan, "Everywhere."

     He rolls his eyes.

"Where were you kicked?"

     I blush, and shake my head.


"Oh... would you be okay if I-."

"No," I say firmly.

     I've never been confident about my body. Ever. And my crush just looking at me without a shirt on, is something I really don't want to happen.

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