Star Gazing- RichJake

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I'm sorry people that ship Squipemy, I mean, no hate heere, but its kinda true. I also thought it was funny... but seriously, ship who you want. I don't judge.

T.W: Under-age drinking, mentions of suicidal thoughts. Its literally gone in a second.


*Rich's P.O.V.*

I've always been fascinated with stars. They're actually... what made me realize I'm in love with Jake.

We were paying football one night (yes I'm smol but that doesn't mean I can't play) and the way the stars sparkled over his frame made my breath catch in my throat. Ever since that night I've been watching the night sky whenever possible, and studying any constellation I could find. Jake has noticed, unfortunately.

He took me aside after school yesterday and asked if I wanted to have a late night picnic with him and star gaze, saying he wanted me to teach him about stars. So here I am. On a Saturday night wearing black converse, a black, long sleeve shirt, a dark red vest jacket, and kacki pants (but like... the cool kind). It was 7:00, and the sun was almost completely out of the sky.

I heard a light knock on the door, and I dashed to open it.

"Hey Jakey-D!" I greet when catching a glimpse of his green (idk) eyes.

"Hey-o Rich! You ready? The car's already started."

"Yup! Let's go!"

Jake smiles and I follow him to the car, climbing into the passenger seat. He starts driving to Hansen park, and we just talk, and take in the quickly passing view. Jake pulls into a parking space and parks the car, quickly reaching into the backseat and pulling out a backpack.

"There's a small hill just around the corner of those trees, we can watch the stars from there."

I nod, and we both climb out of the car. We head to the hill, taking in the sights of the very tall trees. Jake runs up and sprawls out on the hill, me following as he unzips his backpack. He pulls out a couple beers (Don't drink until you're of age, kids!) and a bag of licorice. I smile and crack open the beer can, taking a sip.

Jake lays down completely and I do the same, both of us looking towards the sky.

"Could you... point out some constellations?" Jake whispers, cutting through the silence.

"U-uh... yeah!" I mutter, slightly flustered.

I've always dreamed of doing stuff like this with Jake, but this was completely platonic, and it honestly made my heart ache.

"That's the Orion constellation," I inform, tracing the stars with my finger.

"The story behind it is that Orion, the legendary hunter, was always boastful with  his skills, saying he was able to kill any sort of creature

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"The story behind it is that Orion, the legendary hunter, was always boastful with his skills, saying he was able to kill any sort of creature. This angered the Earth goddess, Gaia, so she challenged him to a battle with her scorpions. He gladly accepted but later realized that the scorpions were armored, and unbeatable."

"The scorpions were armored?" Jake scoffed.

"Sh. This is Greek mythology. This doesn't have to make sense."

"Alright, alright. Continue."

"To avoid death from the scorpions, Orion jumped into the ocean. Apollo, god of the sun, witnessed the whole scene and retrieved his sister Artemis, goddess of the moon and hunting. He told her the dark figure in the ocean was a cruel and cold villain, and he dared her to shoot them down with her arrows. Her being the talented huntress she is, she agreed and did so successfully. She was completely distraught when she found out who it really was. For she and Orion were close friends."

Jake winced, and sighed, "Ack. That's rough."

"Kinky," I muttered under my breath.

Jake chuckled and hit me on the side of my shoulder lightly, "continue, ya perv."

"okay, okay." (slap me, pull my hair, touch me there, there, there! Ohmigod so many dirty references right now)

"She begged the gods to bring him back to life, but they refused. So instead she put his image in the stars, so she could see him every night."

"Wow... Rich.. that's really.."

"Nerdy that I know that stuff?"

"No, its really cool. I have a question though."


"What made you decide you wanted to study stars?"

My cheeks darkened, and I sighed.

"Um..." Its now or never. "You... actually."

Jake sat up, eyes widening.


"They uh... they remind me of you."

"Rich... I don't know what to say."

I winced. I knew this wouldn't go so well.

"That's just so sweet, and I have to ask... do you want this to be a date?"

I gulped, and avoided making eye contact with Jake.


Jake snickered at my hesitance, but figured out the answer. He straddled me and lifted my chin with his pointer finger.

"Me too," he bent over and placed his lips on mine.

Saying I was surprised would be an understatement. Jake, as in super hot, super popular, and (apparently not) super straight Jake, is kissing me. I moaned quietly in surprise, and he smirked.

"Rich, will you be my boyfriend?"

"U-uh.. yeth?" I mumble hesitantly, my lisp acting up.

I honestly have no idea what is happening right now.

Jake laughed, and kissed me again, harder this time.

"I've wanted you since the beginning of freshman year," he muttered against my lips.

I pull away, and stare up at him.

"W-wait, what?"

"I've loved you since freshman year, babe."

"B-but... no one noticed me in frethman year. Ethpethially you."

"I noticed you everyday, Richie."

That's when I broke. During the time I felt so alone, when I felt like no one cared, when I felt like it would be easier to just end it all... there was someone that actually noticed. And cared. So y'know what I did? I cried like a fucking baby.

"Aw. Hunny. Its okay. I got you now," he whispered while kissing my tears away.

He gripped me into a tight hug, and I calmed myself down.

"I love you Rich."

"I love you too, Jake."

There ya go guys! I have a few more one-shots planned out, and then *inhale* I'M DOING AN ACTUAL BOOK!!!!! Probably gonna be Tree Bros. But just so you know, I'm planning to make a Tree Headphones book at some point in my life (Tree Headphones=Michael and Evan.) But yeah, update soon! Thanks for reading! Love you guys!

Bi my queers!

Your flaming, awkward, not-so-straight writer,


1056 words

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