Rescue Time ~ 🌊

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"Hehe, today so sunny. The sea so warm ~"

"It is, let's get back to the Sunny Big Sister."

I nod we head back up. We didn't find any treasure, but we'll have better luck next time.

We climb back up and get dressed. "(Y/N), come take a bite!"

"Coming, " he holds it out for me. I take a bite, "mmmm taste good."

"It does, doesn't it, shishishi."

We dance under the cherry blossoms. Zoro and Little Chopper drinking. Little Chopper got milk. We were having a great time! I sing long with Brook.

Till Little Chopper started choking, "why does it smell like poison?" He fainted, run over to him.

"Little Chopper are you okay?" I hold Little Chopper.

"I'm going to die."

"Chopper!" The others come over, surrounding us.

"What the matter all rock out little brother?" Franky lifts his sunnies.

"Did someone spike your drink? Zoro asks.

"Chopper?" Luffy worried.

Brook started talking about poison milk as a song. I don't think I'll like that song.

"This saki tastes strange too, but I haven't had dry saki for awhile. Maybe it supposes to taste like this."

"I think Usopp spray something." Little Brother points up to the top deck.

"Usopp! Stop killing the crew already! Chopper and Zoro got poison in their drinks. And Zoro won't stop drinking it!"

"It's an insecticide, only thing it hurts is insects. If it the insecticide kills you means you're an insert!"

"Well, we're not inserts, that settles it. Back to drinking even if it tastes like poison."

"You're right, I'm still alive." Chopper hops up, drinks his milk.

Why drink something when it tastes like poison?

"It's a little on the bitter side. This must be what people call a mature favour."

Luffy takes the mill off of him. "I'm mature let me try." Luffy tastes it and spits it out, "gross."

Brook still singing poison milk song. Chopper and Luffy go after Franky. The cherry blossoms were going away.

I stand up and walk over to Little Brother. "Sister look there's a strange cloud coming."

"I see Little Brother. It doesn't look good."

Luffy takes a bite of his meat. "What the heck! Usopp are you getting poison in our food again?" Lucky that Luffy immune to poison, I guess.

"No, I'm all done spraying."

Everyone looks up to the sky, see grey specks falling.

"What could this be?" See Robin hol out her hands.

"It's snow!" Little Chopper cheers.

"Not really cold enough for snow to be falling is it?" Zoro right, it's not. It was sunny and warm, still is.

I hold out my hand and catch some. "Doesn't feel like snow."

"I'll figure it. This is... Volcanic ash." Nami says.

"VOLCANIC ASH!" Everyone shouts out.

"We didn't see any volcanos under the water?" I look to little brother.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now