Please Stay 🙏

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It's been months now since Luffy freed me. I've been swimming throughout the sea, enjoying my freedom. I found another little ship. Lay in it staring at the stars. My mind wanders to Luffy.

"I wonder if he's staring at the stars too."

Want to go back and see him, but Nami woman hates me. I wasn't even there for long and she tells me to leave.

"What did I do wrong for her to hate me so much?" I look over the edge into the sea.

"If only there was a way I could see Luffy without her knowing. If she does find out she'll hate me even more."

I just want to see Luffy. I flip my tail back and forwards. "This... Is... Un... Fair..."

I lay back down and stare at the stars. I got an idea. "Maybe I could see Luffy from the sea. That way I still get to see him. But I won't be able to talk to him... Mmmm... At least I get to see him. I'll do it, I'll find Sunny and watch over Luffy and his crew!"

Dive into the water grab the rope and start swimming. I'll find you Luffy! I don't care how long it takes!

- Luffy -

Lay on the grass looking at the stars. "I wonder if (Y/N) looking at the stars tonight."

I don't get why Nami was so mean. I keep asking her she never tells me. (Y/N) was so nice and pretty, I don't know why she hates her. I don't care that she's a Siren. She said she won't kill the crew and I believe her.

I sit up, look to the railing that (Y/N) dive off. I look to the sea waiting to see her, but she never comes. And my chest hurts like when Ace died. I'm not even hungry anymore, meat doesn't taste as good either. Most nights I'm not even tired.

The sky starts turning orange. "Huh, the sun coming up. Guess that's another night I didn't go to sleep."

- Time Skip To The Night -

It's late at night, I can't fall to sleep. Sit on the railing waiting for (Y/N). "Where are you (Y/N)? Why won't you come back?"

I feel a tap on my shoulder, "I'll go to bed soon."

"Oh okay, I guess I'll go then." That sounds like (Y/N), but different.

I turn around, see (Y/N) walking away. "Wait don't go!" She stops and turns around.

"What is it Luffy?"

"You're talking, and your lips are moving."

She laughs, "Little Chopper said to take it slowly. At night I tried to talk. Not long I could talk again."

"It's good to hear you. I did before, you know not in my head."

"You're funny. It's good to hear your voice too. I... I miss you a lot over the last few months." She rubs her arms.

"Are you cold?" Walk up to her, put my shirt over her.

"N-no I'm not. I don't really get cold, I can swim in cold waters. Did you want your shirt back?"

"No, you can wear it."

"Thank you, Luffy," she puts it on properly. "What adventures have you been on?"

"We haven't been on any since you left. We've been to a few islands that's about it. What about you?"

"I've been swimming in the sea. I found an island, oh I went exploring. There were so many tall trees. And lots of different creatures. It was amazing! I've never explored an island before."

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now