King & Queen 🍋

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Luffy and I sat on Sunny's head lookout to the sea. Luffy pulls me in close, rest his head on my shoulder.

"(Y/N) you smell like the sea."

"You always say that hehe." Turn around kiss his cheek, look back to the sea.

"I like the sea, but I like you more." Feel his lips on my neck.

"L-Luffy," he starts sucking. "Ahhh ~" He stops turns me around, so I'm sitting on his lap.

"(Y/N), I feel weird... But I like it."

"So do I," Luffy smashes his lips into mine. His hand goes under my dress, up my legs.

"Your skin is so soft." His hand goes further up, now between my legs.

"L-Luffy," His finger goes near my vagina. "Ahhh ~"

"You don't have any underwear on?"

"I-I don't l-like them." He puts his finger in. "L-Luffy ~" He starts moving around.

"(Y/N) you're so warm in there. But you're all wet." He pulls his finger out, I really like it. He stares at his finger, sucks it. "It taste... Good!"

Luffy stands up, holds me in his arms. "Where are we going?"

"Our room." He jumps over Sunny's head runs to our room. Opens the door, locks it behind us.

"Luffy what are we doing?" He places me down.

"Take it off!" He pulls at my dress.

I slide the straps off my shoulders, the dress falls to the ground. Walk over to him, wrap my arms around his neck. "Luffy ~"

He's looking at my neck smiling. "Shishishi your mine now." Look to the mirror, to see a purple mark on my neck.

I feel it, it was where he was sucking earlier. He picks me up again, puts me on the bed. Climbs between and holds my legs apart. "Luffy what are you doing?"

"Tasting you," his smile looks different.

He lowest his head, feel something wet against my vagina. "Ahhh Luffy ~" It feels so good, I move towards it.

"Stay still," Luffy stares at me. He has stuff all over his mouth. I nod he licks his lips as he goes back down.

He was using his tongue. I feel his tongue licking up and down. "L-Luffy ~" I get a strange feeling down there. "L-Luffy I... I -" My body shakes, "LUFFY ~"

- Third -

Your body trembles, as pleasure, washes over you. You scream out his name. He licks you clean, as he climbs back up he licks his lips. Luffy gazers over your naked, panting body. You look into his grey eyes, you slide his shirt off. He throws it carelessly. You both keep eye contact. As your hands reach his sash, pull it off. Luffy takes off his pants and boxers. He towers over you, your angelic voice reaches his ears.

You pull him in close. "Make me yours my King ~"

He smashes his lips into yours hungrily. You wrap your arms around his neck. He rubs himself on your womanhood. He pushes himself in, making you arch your back. "LUFFY ~"

He thrusts into you, finding your lips once again. Hungrily kissing you, his hand squeezes your boob. You moan in the kiss, he breaks the kiss. "Do that again." He squeezes you again, you moan.

"Luffy ~" your eyes were half-lit. You flip him onto his back. Smashed your lips onto his.

You rolled your hips, causing Luffy to moan. He broke the kiss, "(Y/N) ~"

His hand's grips your hips, thrust up into you. You sit up roll your hips as he thrust into you.

"(Y/N) you're so warm and tight." His grips tighten.

"Luffy you're so hard," you started bouncing on him.

Luffy sits up, holds you close to him. "Promise you'll never leave me, my Queen."

Your eyes lit up, a smile appears on your lips. "I'll be by your side forever, my King." You wrap your arm around his neck and your hand goes to his hair.

You kiss him, as he slams you down onto him. He continues, you both cum hard calling out each other's names. Luffy falls back into the pillows, he pulls you along with him. You lay on his chest, you both catch your breath.

He strokes your hair, "(Y/N)?"

You look up to him, "yes Luffy?"

"I don't think I like you anymore."

"It didn't feel good to you?"

"No, it did, it was better than meat. I love you."

Your eyes widen, you knew Luffy loved his food. Never did you think you could replace his love for meat.

"It's okay if you don't love me. I just wanted you to know."

You snap out of it, you quickly sit up causing you both to moan. "Nico, Luffy I love you too."

Luffy smiled up at you, causing you to smile back. He pulls you back down, kisses you. He pulls himself out, causing you to whimper. "Oh, I like it when you're in me."

"Shishishi, I like it too." He kisses you again, holds you close pulls the blankets up.

You snuggle into him, enjoying his warmth. Slowly fall to sleep. Luffy watches you fall asleep in his arms. He feels sleep starting to take hold of him. "Goodnight my Queen."

"Goodnight my King," you sleepy reply.

- Time Skip To The Morning -
- Luffy -

I wake up with (Y/N) in my arms. Last night felt so good. Hearing her make those noises, I want to be the only one that hears them.

"My King ~" Look down at (Y/N), her eyes are half-open.

I tilt her head up a bit, "my Queen."

She kisses me, I put my hand in her hair. I pull her on top of me. She slides down onto me. "(Y/N)..."

"Luffy ~" She whispers in my hear, "let me pleasure you, my King, ~"

"Wait -" She sits up, moving her hips slowly. I grab her hips, "(Y-Y/N)"

She slowly goes faster, "Luffy ~"

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