Dragon!! 🐲

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"Aw... Awesome!! How cool is that!" Luffy runs back and forth.

"D-Donn't be so impressed!" Usopp

"Cool!" - "I'm outta here!"

Luffy runs around looking at it, "Wow! I like how he snarls, too!"

"Luffy are we fighting the dragon?" You watch Luffy running around.

"Cool! So cool!"

The dragon looks straight at him. 'Who are you?'

Luffy looks at it in shock, it tries to eat him he jumps out of the way.

It starts chasing after everyone.

"(Y/N)!" Luffy grabs your hand and starts running.

It starts chasing Usopp, "don't come after me!"

Just as it's about to eat Usopp, Luffy grabs him and throws him back.

"What're you doing, you fool?!" Usopp

"Did you want to be eaten?" You shout out to Usopp

"Hey! The dragon just talked!" Luffy

"I didn't hear him." You look back at Luffy.

"No way! You're hearing things!" Usopp

'You can hear him like you hear me.'

"You think so?"

Zoro and Robin come running over. The dragon turns to you all and steps closer.

"I-I'm not even sure it's a dragon!" Usopp

"Is it really a dragon?" Zoro asks

"Yes, it's hard to believe but... It has a lizard-like body with giant wings. It looks exactly how it's described in myths." Robin

Fire starts to seep from its mouth, Luffy amazed.

"No way!" Zoro

"Oh no!" Luffy picks you up and jumps out of the way.

Robin runs out of the way, Usopp frozen solid. Zoro runs and kicks Usopp out of the way of a fire breath.

"H-He breathed fire!!" Usopp freaks out. "This creature is unreal! Am I dreaming?!"

Zoro ready himself, "how exciting!"

"Don't worry (Y/N), I've got this."

"Okay, Luffy ~"

"It's my turn! Second Gear!" Luffy jumps into the air, "Gum-Gum... Jet Bullet!" Punches the dragon in the jaw. The dragon looks unfazed.

"It didn't work!" Robin

"Why not?" You watch the dragon

"He's well-armoured!"

"Behind you!" Zoro shouts.

The tail comes up behind Luffy as he falls. Sends Luffy flying into a building.

"Luffy!" Usopp calls out.

"Luffy!!" You go running over to him, Robin grabs your hand. "But Luffy?!"

"Luffy's alright." Robin

"He's looking at us!" Usopp freaks out again

Zoro smiles, "come on!"

Usopp chops Zoro, "don't provoke him!"

The dragon runs straight towards Zoro. You and Robin run one way, and Usopp runs the other.

'I sense your presence-bu!'

Zoro and Usopp look at the dragon in shock. The dragon tries to eat Zoro he dodges out of the way.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now