Nami 👩🏼‍🦰

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Luffy shows me around the ship. It's amazing, he said the Cyborg built it. I don't know what a Cyborg is though. Luffy opens the door, "and this is the aquarium bar."

As we walk in I freeze, it's a smaller tank than the one I was in. I fall out of his arms, back up.

"What's wrong?" Luffy walks up, I back up into a wall.

'I'm not going in there. You can't make me!'

I take deep breath, "wait (Y/N)! I wouldn't do that to you. I just wanted to show you."

'How do I know you're telling me the truth? Humans lie!"

"I'm not lying (Y/N), I promise. We can leave if that makes you feel better."

'Yes, please!'

Luffy picks me back up, we walk back out. "Sorry for scaring you..."

Look to Luffy, but his face is hidden.

'It's okay...'

"(Y/N) I promise you now, I'll never lie to you. Never."

I lift his chin turn him to me.

'I'll make the same promise. That I'll never lie to you.'

That big grin of his came back.

"You going to carry her everywhere you go? She has legs you know?" There that Nami female. Why is she so angry for?

"Because she can't walk, can you?"

'It's been a while, but I can try.'

Luffy places me down, holds me steady. I'm still a bit wobbly, I take a few steps and start to fall. Again Luffy catches me.

"She can walk, so leave her. 'We' have a course to set."

"Franky and Brook are back?"

"Yes, they are." Nami female was getting annoyed.

"I'll be back, (Y/N) never seen a cyborg before. Have you seen a skeleton before?"

'Yes, but not a living one though.'

"And Brook too!"

"NO, YOU'RE NOT! PUT HER DOWN, YOU ARE THE CAPTAIN! YOU HAVE TO SET THE COURSE!" Wow! I didn't think human females could get so angry.

'Luffy I think I might get going. She seems really angry. I'll take the clothes off so you can have them back.'

I go to take his shirt off and he stops me. "No, you're not leaving. Wait here and I'll be back." He walks off with Nami female, I'm left standing on the landweed.

'I hope I haven't caused any trouble.'

Decided I'll try and start walking again. I try and walk to the railing, I take a few steps start to wobbling again. Someone catches me, look up see a huge male with funny blue hair.

"You must be the Siren (Y/N)?" He steadies me.

I nod,

'Yes, I'm (Y/N). You must be Franky.'

"You're not going to sing and lure everyone to their death are you?" He pulled the things covering his eyes down.

I shake my head,

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now