Three Sisters 👧🏼👱🏼‍♀️👱🏼‍♀️

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- 𝚆𝚎'𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 😁 -

It's been a week since we fought the Neo Marines and escaped the Marines. I'm glad no one else got seriously hurt. Luffy's bullet wound healed, you can't even see where he got shot. His knuckles are healed too. I hope he doesn't get hurt too often.

"Big Sister wanna go for a swim?"

"Sure ~"

"Luffy, I'll be back. Going for a swim with Little Brother."


We jump into the water, start swimming around.

"Soo... Last week was a... An experience..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I look over to him, as we swim to the floor.

"Well, we got attack, you were chased by marines, Big Brother got shot, the island blew up. We went to the last End Point! Fought Neo Marines, then there's multiple cyborgs, Franky has a bigger one! Big Brother got into 'another' fight! We almost got captured by Marines! Then the man that was Big Brother was fighting, sacrifices himself for us to escape!"

"You forgot the ice wall, that was pretty cool."

"It was, (Y/N)... As much as I want to be with you and Luffy. Umm... I don't think this life, of experiences... Is for me..."

"Okay...? Where do you want to go?"

"Wait you're not upset?"

"Yes, but you won't be happy if I made you stay."

He swims over hugs me, I hug him back. "Thank you Big Sister! I will miss you, and Big Brother and the others."

"We'll miss you too! Where are you going to go?"

"Maybe go find Uncle, and get stronger. Watching everyone fight," he sinks down. "I felt weak and useless."

I swim down to him, "you're not useless. You help Franky repair Sunny. Luffy said you did a great job, Franky said it too!"

"I'm still weak..."

I gran his hands twirl him around. "You can't get weaker, you only have one choice. And that's to get stronger!" I let him go, he flows back.

"Thanks... I think..."

"Your welcome ~"

We swim down to the floor, there's an opening. "You want to check it out?"


As we swim through the opening, our bodies light up

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As we swim through the opening, our bodies light up. It's so dark in here. "Do you think we"ll find anything in here?"

"I don't know -"


We cover our ears, "someone living down here."

"Who would be living down here? Its so dark, (Y/N) we should go back."

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