Uncle 👨🏼‍🦰

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Nightfall comes the four of you swim to the surface. As you reach the surface you see Luffy sitting on the rail waiting for you. He had been sitting there all day, waiting for you. After he got the dresses, you had asked for. As you jump on the deck, you see Robin there waiting. Luffy helps them up.

"Dylon said you were bringing friends." She held the dresses and your clothes out for you.

"Hehe, thank you, Robin." You notice the clothes she had for you wasn't the ones you were wearing early that day. "Luffy?" You look at him and hold the pastel red sundress out.

He bit his lip and looks away. You put it on, walked over kissed his cheek.

You and Robin help the sisters into their dresses. Also had to help them walk, having legs was new to them. You had to tell them how to. Dylon and Zoro ended up coming out. The three of them carried them inside. As someone started to complain about waiting...

Zoro, Usopp and Brook gave up their seats for the sisters to sit at the table. And you took your normal place on Luffy's lap.

"(Y/N) what's their names?" Luffy asks you.

"Kenda in the green, Marna in blue and Neri in the purple."

"What did Luffy say?" Marna asks gearing their name, as looks between you and Luffy.

"He asked what your names are."

"Oh... Hi Luffy ~" - "Hello Luffy ~" - "HEY LUFFY! ~" Neri slams her hand on the table.

The only word that Luffy understood was his name. He guessed that they said hello, he says hi back. You introduce them to everyone, everyone says hello back. When it came to Usopp they point to their nose, laughing. Saying that he was their favourite because of his nose. You had to tell Usopp they weren't making fun of him.

Dinner now served, the sisters were a little hesitant at first. As their carer had warned them about humans and to stay away from them... Until they were older... Luffy encourage them to eat, assure them that Sanji was the best chef! Again you had to translate. Neri took a bit, instantly she fell in love with the food.


Kenda and Marna followed, shout the same thing. They dug into their plates. After dinner, there was dessert, which they loved more than dinner. And tasting something sweet, sugary for the first time. After their sugary dessert, they were full. Kenda and Neri lean against Marna.

"Lauralei human food tastes so good ~" Kenda tries to sit up.

"Tell me about it ~" Marna rests on against Kenda.

"I don't know why Lirit was so worried about humans for ~" Neri swayed back and forth.

Your smile dropped. You had met up with a Lirit, through your travels. That was three years ago. Luffy noticed your sudden change.

"I think it's time for bed girls. You can sleep in my room, it's near (Y/N)." Robin stood up, smiling at them.

They look at you, "Robin says it's time for bed. Yous can sleep in her room, it's near Luffy and my room."

"Okay," they started to fall to sleep sitting there. This time it was Dylon, Zoro and Sanji who carried them down to Robin's room. Robin went down with them, and to watch over them. Once the sisters were tucked into bed, you stood at the door looking at them.

"Don't worry (Y/N) I'll watch over them for you." Robin smiles at you.

"I will too," Dylon sat at the end of the bed.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now