Powerful Weapons 🔫

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Franky leads yous all to the old man's shed that was filled with weapons. The old man the little boy open the days revealing a massive arsenal of weapons. Luffy's, Ussop's, Chopper's eyes light up seeing the range guns, bazookas, cannons. But your eyes... Your eyes landed on a strange chest. That was covered in barnacles, shells, dead coral and sea creatures, green fuzzy stuff. You walk over to the chest, run your hand along it.

Luffy spots you runs over, "what did you find?"

"A strange chest," you couldn't take your eyes off it.

"Let's open it!" He tries to open it, it wouldn't budge. "Hmmm, (Y/N) step back." You stood there staring at it. Luffy looks at you, a little worried. You always responded to him, he places a hand on your shoulder, "(Y/N)?"

You snap out of it, "yes Luffy?"

He smiled, "step back I'll open it."

You step back, watch him. Just as he's about to punch it, you jump on to his arm. "No! Don't punch it, you'll break it!"

"How are we going to open it?"

"Not by punching it!"

"Hehe, it wouldn't of work. Grandpa been trying to open that chest for years. And he's never made a dent in it." The Granddaughter comes over.

"How did your Grandpa get it?" You ask looking back at it.

"Grandpa was repairing a ship when I was younger. The pirate of the ship gave it to him."

"Oh okay, there's no keyhole?" You try to search for it. It was cover in so much it was had to look.

"I'm sure he won't mind you taking it."

"Really? Old Man will let us take it?" Luffy asks.

"Sure, little lady can have it. You might have better luck opening it. Let me know what's in when you."

"I will ~ And thank you," you continue to look the chest over. Not even bothered to look for a weapon for the fight ahead.

Franky sat on a crate, "a bunch of the pirates got beat up by Z. And threw in the towel, so when their ships wash up here. And left their weapons behind. The old man felt sorry for folks that had to give up on their dreams. So he kept their equipment so he could carry on their adventure one day. What do you think good stuff huh?"

Luffy unsheathes a sword, stares at and sheathes. You manage to draw yourself away from the chest. Join Luffy by his side.

"Z may have stopped them in their tracks, but we'll pick up the piece and carry them to the final battle."

"YEAH!" Everyone cheers.

The old man places his hat on Usopp, surprising him. "Do it as a favour for me too. Tell that bastard he'll never take freedom from the men of the sea. Sock him a good one!"

Everyone gets dressed and ready, you watch Dylon pick up a sword. You weren't sure whether he knew how to use one or not. You look at one of the bazookas, wondering whether to take one or not.

"You should take it," Luffy comes up behind you.

"Naa, I'll be okay. I won't need it."

"Take it, just in case."

You look at Luffy and back at the bazookas. "Okay, just in case ~"

"You be careful out there. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry I won't. You make sure 'you' be careful."

"I will," he picks up your bazooka takes your hand.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now