I Want To Be Free... 🌅

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Here we are... Another day for the humans staring at me... Tapping on the glass, putting their faces all over it. It's no wonder Sirens lure them to their death. Humans are disgusting creatures.

People will be arriving soon, I swim into an underwater cave. I'm really don't want to do this today. I just want to be back in the sea. Swimming enjoying my life. Wish I was free...


Now been an hour or so since this place open. Many people have walked by. Some males carrying on saying. 'If she had a set of leg I would fuck her.' Disgusting... Why would males fuck female's legs? And females fall for that, they're just as disgusting.

I swim around my small tank... I feel like a fish at one of those shops. Where children come and pick one out. Then is shoved in a bag. Swim over to the top of my cave, sit down. As I look down I see a boy in a Strawhat. Give him a small smile and look away.

'I hate this life... I wanna be free again... To swim in the sea, go where ever I want... Whenever I want... Not trap in this small tank...'

Look back in front of me and the boy still there. So I smile and wave this time. He sorta waves back.

'He's kinda cute for a human.'

He pulls his hat down.

'Guess he doesn't want me looking at him.'

I swim to the other side of the tank, sit on the bottom. I draw in the sand, anything that comes to my mind. Out the corner of my eye someone sits down. Look and it's the same boy again.

"Hi, I'm Monkey D. Luffy. What's your name?" He's got a big grin on his face?

I'm shocked, someone ask me my name?! I've been here so long, no one ever asked. He looks at me confused. I point to the collar that's decorated as a necklace.

'I can't speak, my collar too tight... Hopefully, he understands what I mean. It was nice of him to ask.'

I go back to drawing.

- Luffy -

Wow! She's so pretty, her hair looks really long. What are they called scales? Are a really nice (F/C). But she looks so sad. I asked her, her name she pointed to collar. She said she can't speak but I can hear her. Maybe she doesn't know she's talking?

"Maybe you can write your name?" She shakes her head.

'Even if I do write my name you won't understand it. Humans and Sirens have two different written languages. I don't even know how to write (Y/N) in human.'

"(Y/N) that's a pretty name, shishishi."

She looks at me, her eyes as wide as plates. "What?"

'You can hear me?!'

"Yeah, you're talking?" She points to her mouth.

'I'm not moving my lips.'

"I can still hear you."

- (Y/N) -

He can hear me! Crawl over press my hands to the glass.

'Luffy can you help me? Please! I wanna be free! Please help me!'

He stands up, with his hat down. He starts walking away.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now