🖤 One Year Ago Today 🖤

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- It's been a whole year (19.Nov.21) since I publish The Siren! I'm at 21K views! I would never imagine this book getting that many views. Thank you everyone for your support! ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ -

It was early morning, you were both asleep. You snuggle in Luffy's side. His arm wraps around you.

"Luffy ~"

Luffy rolls nuzzled into your neck. "(Y/N)..."

You wake up, see raven hair. You squeeze a bit waking him up. You notice, "good morning Luffy ~"

"Morning..." He snuggles back into him. Trying to go back to sleep.

"Luffy ~" You say sweetly sung in his ear. "Wake up ~"


You move his head up a bit. Hover just near his lips. "But Luffy ~" He opens his eyes a bit. "It's been a year since I join the crew ~"

His eyes shot open, a smile grows. "Shishishi, it's been the best year!"

"It has ~" You push him onto his back. Cuddle into him, "I'm soo happy I joined ~"

You lay there and cuddle for a while before Luffy started to get hungry.

Luffy ran out of the room to go see Sanji. You were dressed, you put on a pastel red dress, sandals.

"Sanji!" Luffy runs into the kitchen.

"You're up early," Sanji goes back to making breakfast. "What do you want?"

"Can you make (Y/N)'s favourite (F/F) for dinner?"

Sanji looks up at him a little shocked. "I can, what else does (Y/N) want?"

"Don't know, I want to do something. It's been a year since (Y/N) joined."

"It has?"

"Yep, I want to do something."

"I'll make a feast then."

"YES!! Lots of meat!"

Sanji rolled his eyes, "yes..."

"Thanks, Sanji!" Luffy ran out and back down to you.

As he gets there you step out of the room. Look up at him, "Luffy ~" Luffy stops in his tracks, stares at you. You walk up to him, kiss his nose. "Let's go have breakfast ~" You tuck stray hair behind your ear.

He nods, you take his hand and walk up to the deck. Yous reach the deck, Robin was making her way across the deck. "Good morning Luffy, (Y/N). Yous are up early."

"Good morning Robin. It's been a year since I've joined the crew!"

"Really? I didn't realise, sorry."

"It's okay," you smile and pull Luffy up the stairs to the kitchen.

Robin giggles watching the two of you hand in hand.

Yous walk in, Sanji greets you as he was setting the table. Luffy snaps out of his like dazzle from the smell of food. He pulls you to his chair. Pulls you onto his lap. Everyone else starts to come in, sits at the table or bench. As normal you and Luffy shared your food.


After breakfast, you, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper. Ran around the Sunny playing tag. That was till Luffy was in, he was only going for you. And only you. You tried to run away from him. you weren't as fast on land as you were in the water.

You manage to lose Luffy, hide in the aquamarine. At least you thought you had lost him. He was hiding in there, waiting for you to come in. So as you got into the room, you were watching the door. Luffy comes up behind hugs you.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now