Attacked ⚓️

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"(Y/N)?" Where is she?

"(Y/N) gone?" Nami walks over.

"Nami, have you seen (Y/N)?"

"No, I haven't." She looks around, "hey Luffy ~"


"You know we haven't spent any time together. Did you want to watch clouds?"

"Where is she?"


"Sure..." Where is she?

"Lay down!"

"Uhh..." She pulls me down.

"It's been a while since we've done this."

"It has?"

"Yes... Since (Y/N) join, we haven't spent any time together."

We use to watch the clouds all the time. "Sorry, Nami."

"It's okay ~ You see those clouds, they're cumulus." She points on out.

"Hmm... Looks like meat with cotton candy on it!"




We've been looking at clouds for a while, most of them look like animals to me.

"Nami-san, (Y/N)-chan lunch is served ~"

"Thank you, Sanji ~"

"Where's (Y/N)?" Sanji looking around.

I was looking for (Y/N) before Nami and the animal clouds. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)?!"

"Yes, Luffy?" (Y/N) climbs over and gets dress.

"Great she's back..."

"(Y/N)-chan here's your lunch ~"

"No, thank you, Sanji. I had some fish on the way back. But thank you ~"

"Where have you been?"

"I went for a swim, I told Chopper."

"I got worried," go over hug her.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't find you. And Chopper was out here."

"It's okay. Did you find anything treasure?"

"Nope, nothing. I only look from the starboard side. I can look from the port side if you want?"

"No," I hug her. "You don't have to, you can stay here."

"Hehe, okay. Let go, Sanji made lunch."

I pick her up, she wraps her arms around my neck. I carry her to the dining hall.


"(Y/N)? Where (Y/N)?"

"She's gone again?" Nami comes out.

"No, (Y/N) here... Somewhere..."

"She's probably left. Sirens do belong in the sea, not a ship."


"She's still here..."

"(Y/N)! Where were you?" I ran over and hug her.

"I was in our room. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, you're here now!"

- (Y/N) -

Luffy smiles, I only went to our room. I wonder what's wrong with Luffy. "Luffy where you worried I left?"

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now