Collecting Information 📄

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- 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚍 😴 -

"Luffy don't sweat it! I got this, nothing on Sunny I can't fix. Might take a little while. But you're going after Z in the meantime, right Bro?" Franky hammers away, I watch Little Brother gather the wood and other stuff.

"That's right, I gotta settle the score."

"I know you'll beat him next time. I believe in you Luffy." I smile at Luffy as he looks at me.

"Shishishi, thanks (Y/N)."

"Did you want to go talk with everyone?"

"No, I'm gonna stay here. You can go if you want." He turns back to the Sunny.

"No, I'll stay here with you." I held his hand a little tighter, he squeezes back.

We ended up moving to the stairs, watching Little Brother and Franky fix Sunny. I never knew he could fix ships. I know Uncle didn't teach him. He must have learnt it while he exploring.

A old man and a little boy come over. Franky stops at the ramp. "Awo hey old man did you need something? If it's the fee about using your dock talk to our cute like a navigator."

"Z strikes again no surprise there."

Luffy jumps, walks over to him. I follow behind, listen.

"Wait a second you know something about Z? Franky drops the wood.

"Let me put it this way. Your pirate ships aren't the only one wash up on this dock, all baded and bruised up. Happen a lot lately all the pirates with their black eyes broken, bones. Says it's Z that did it to them."

Wow, he must really hate pirates. If he hates pirates, would he just kill them? Like he tried to do to us?

A lady cones over, and invites us to their house. Robin, Nami and Chopper sitting on the poach, having tea.

"You'll have to excuse my grandfather, it's all he talks about these days. Every customer we have is just the pirates. We've been on this island for a long time repairing ships, renting out the dockyard taking care of pirates had nasty run-ins with marines. Grandfather used to be a sail too, he treats all customers equally even if they wanted by the government." Wow, would he get in trouble with the marines for helping pirates?

"There's something beautiful coming to the new world. Risking your life following your dream no matter the cost. What can I say? These men are brave as hell, soon Z gets hold of them. Spirits are broken and don't want to fight no more. Their dreams come here to die. So it's a crime to help these men. But I stand by them, I want to pick them up best I can. Because what Z stole from them is precious as life itself. You fellas are different, beaten by Z but you still want to pick yourself up. And fight, so I'm give you the powerful weapons before ya left behind, see."

"Powerful weapons huh!" Luffy's eye light up.

Do we really need weapons? I look down to my hands, do I need a weapon? I wouldn't mind a trident, but I've always been able to fight just me. Maybe I do need a weapon...

"That sound awesome let me see!" Chopper starts bouncing around.

"Don't get ahead of yourselves," Nami shouts.

Luffy stops and stares at her. "But they're powerful what else do we need to know?"

"We can't even find Z powerful doesn't do us much good. But we need to buy some new clothes. Not cause I want to go shopping, Z burned all of them. If we try to gather information wearing party costumes. Well, be laugh out of time by we get anything. So first clothes then information. Okay then powerful weapons, then we fight Z that's the rules." Nami can be busy... A lot of the time...

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now