No Signs Of Teles... *Yet* 🧜🏼‍♀️

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"Luffy I'm going for a swim ~"

"Wait!" He runs over.

I stop at the railing, "what is it?"

He kisses me, "be careful."

"I will ~ Bye Luffy ~"

"Bye (Y/N)."

I dive into the water, "where to start searching?"

I look around, "there's no signs of Teles behind us. I might search off the port, go to the bow finish at the starboard. I'll do that."

I swim to port, what am I going to do if she shows up? Teles and the others will kill everyone on the ship. She sings much better than me. I'll have to start singing more. And hope that they get used to it.

I swim along, I can't see anything so far. "That's good, hopefully, I won't see anything. We are a far way from the waypoints. There's a good chance that she didn't come out this far. Maybe I'm worrying too much."


I've been swimming for an hour now. I should make my way to the bow of the ship. I hope nothing is in front of us.

"I'm starting to get hungry." I look round for some fish.

A few fish later I make it to the bow. "Still nothing, that good. Hopefully, there's nothing on the starboard side.


"Yes! There are no signs of Teles! This is great! Woo!" I swim back to the Sunny.

"I'm so happy, at least now I can relax." I make it back to the Sunny, climb back up.


I climb over Luffy hugs me, "what's wrong?"

"I thought something happen to you. why did you take so long?"

"I'm sorry, I was just swimming around."

He rests his head on my shoulder. "I was worried. I can't protect you when you go swimming."

"Hehe, Luffy I'll be okay. I'm just swimming around."

"You were gone for four hours."

"Really? I didn't think I was gone for that long."

He hugs me tighter, "sometimes I wish I didn't eat the Devil Fruit."

"But then you couldn't do the things, you can do."

"But then I could swim with you."

"Hehe, Luffy you're really sweet." I kiss him, he kisses me back.

"Are you hungry?"

My stomach rumble, "yes ~ Let' go eat some meat! ~"

Luffy picks me up, runs up the stairs. "SANJI!!"


It was our turn to look out, we sat in the crow's nest. I sit in his lap, lay back into him. I look up at him, "do you want me to sing?" He shakes his head, "you don't want me to?"

"No, I just want to sit."

"Okay ~" I sit there and hum.

It's so nice to relax, I've been worrying for so long.

"(Y/N) are you okay?"

"Hmm... I'm okay ~ I'm just happy to be here with you."

"Me too," he hugs me tighter.

"Luffy what are you going to do after you become the King of the Pirates?"

"Shishishi, that's easy. We'll sail the rest of the New World together." He kisses my cheek.

"Hehe, I like the sound of that."

Sailing the seas with Luffy, having adventures. Sounds like a dream, Mama would like Luffy.

"(Y/N) what would you be doing now?" He looks sad, he buries his head in my neck.

I look out the window, "I would be swimming around. Laying in my ship at night, looking at the stars."

"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too ~"

"I've been hearing symphonies
Before all, I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me"

I sing Luffy's favourite song, he smiles the whole time. I won't let Teles or the others hurt him. Luffy my human, no one going to hurt him.

- Timeskip To The Morning -

Luffy fell asleep early in the morning. I watched the rest of the morning. Luffy was talking in his sleep. He's cute talks about the others, meat, being the King of the Pirates and me.

"(Y/N)..." He hugs my stomach, I play with his hair.

Knock Knock

I look down at the hatch, Robin opens it. "Good morning (Y/N). I see Luffy fell asleep again."

"Hehe, he stayed awake till early morning."

"Breakfast will be ready soon."

"MEAT!?" Luffy sits up, already hungry.

Robin goes back down.

"How was your sleep?"

He looks back at me, "I fell asleep again..."

"It's okay ~ I don't mind, you needed to sleep."

"Next time you can go to sleep."

"Hehe, okay."

Luffy picks me up, we head down to the dining hall.


I stand at the railing looking out at the sea. "(Y/N)!!"

I turn around, "what is it Luffy?"

"You're not going for a swim are you?"

"No, not today ~"

"Good, shishishi."

Luffy takes my hand and swings me around. "Hehe, what are you doing?"

"We're celebrating today!"

"Celebrating? What for?"

"Cause we can! We're pirates!"

"Okay, sounds like fun!"

I'll have my own celebration. Celebrate that there are no signs of Teles. Luffy and the crew are safe!


"(Y/N) come dance!"

"Okay ~" I run over to Luffy, I trip he catches me.

"I got you!" Luffy holds me.

"Hehe, I've fallen for you ~" I kiss him.

"I'll catch you each time," I love his smile.

Wrap my arms around his neck. "We going to dance?"


We dance to the music that Brook was playing. Usopp and Little Chopper join in.

We celebrate for the rest of the day. Singing, dancing, eating and drinking. Mama, I had so much fun today. I'm living the life you wanted me to have. To live with humans and be happy.

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now