Cute Moments 🍄 {6K Views}

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- 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 -

"Luffy, I'm going for a swim ~" You called out to him.

He comes racing over, "wait!"

You stop mid-way taking your dress off. "What is it?"

"Be careful," he grabs your hand.

You smile at him, "don't worry I'll be careful ~"

"I don't want you getting stuck in a cave."

"I won't ~ I'll see if I can find and treasure ~"

"If it's dangerous don't worry about the treasure. Come back to the Sunny!"

You kiss him, "I'll be careful Luffy. Don't worry ~"

He holds your hand tighter, "nothing dangerous."

"Nothing dangerous, I promise ~"

"Good," he rests his head on you. "I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you Luffy ~"

He lets go of your hand, you take your dress off. Luffy takes it for you. "I won't be long ~"


You dive in and wave to him before going underwater. Luffy sits on the rail watching the water.

Robin walks over to him, "(Y/N) will be okay."

"What if she gets hurt?"

"She'll be okay. (Y/N) is a siren, she can protect herself."

"What about when she went swimming with the sisters? She almost died in the cave."

"Yes, but remember one of the sisters did scream. Causing the cave to collapse."

"I can't do anything if she's in trouble."

"Luffy you have to trust (Y/N) that she'll be okay."

Luffy sighs and looks back at the water. "I know..."

"I'm sure (Y/N) won't be long." She heads off to the library.

You were swimming around following fish, they were swimming amongst the coral. You were having fun.

"I wonder if there's any treasure around?" You started looking around.

You swam a bit more till you came across an open cave. You swim over and take a peek inside.

"Doesn't look like anyone living in there." You get a bit closer, "hello? Is anyone in here?"

You got no reply, you swam in.

"I wonder if there's any treasure in here?"

Luffy was still watching the water. He held your dress close. "Why can't I talk to (Y/N) with my mind? It's not fair..."

"Luffy I'm coming back ~"

Luffy jumps up, "wooo!!!"

He watches the water, waiting for you to surface. You just break the water, Luffy's arm wraps around you he pulls you out of the water.

He pulls you in close and holds you. "You're back!"

"I told you I won't be long ~ I need a glass jar."


"You'll see ~ One with a lid, please."

"You're not doing anything dangerous?"

"No ~"

"Okay, I'll see if Usopp got one."

"Thank you ~"

Luffy lets you go and goes to find Usopp. You sit on the rail, your legs change to a tail. Not long Luffy comes back with a jar.

"Here you go."

You take the jar, "it's perfect ~ I'll be back quick ~" You quickly kiss him and dive back into the water.

"(Y/N) - Oh okay..." He sits back on the rail, watching the water.

You swim back to the cave. Just inside there were glowing mushrooms.

"I remember sleeping next to these ~ Mama said they take away the bad dreams. I miss you, Mama..."

You dig up one of the mushrooms. Put it in the jar with some sand. And swim back to the Sunny.

"I'm coming back ~ Be careful, I don't want to break the jar ~"

You break the surface, and Luffy gently pulls you out of the water. He places you down, he looks at the jar.

"What is it?"

"Trade?" You trade him the jar for the dress. You put it on, "it's a glowing mushroom ~ It takes away bad dreams ~ It lights the way to good ones ~"


"Yep ~"


"I use to sleep with them when I was little."

"Uncle gave you one?"

"... Yes, Uncle did." You take the jar, "I'm going to put it on our bedside." You head below deck.

"(Y/N) wait up," he comes running over to you.

You turn to him, "what is it?"

"You okay?"

"I'm okay ~" You smile at him.

"You sure?" He looks at you concerned.

"I'm okay ~"

Luffy hugs you, "I'm here you know."

You kiss his cheek, "I know ~" You smile, but your heart ache.

Luffy takes your hand and studies your face. He could see you were hiding something. "You can talk to me." He squeezes your hand.

"I know I can ~ You're my King ~"

"Shishishi, you're my Queen."


It was bedtime, you were already in bed. Looking at the jar, you reach out to it.


You look from the jar to Luffy. You quickly sit up, "Luffy ~"

He comes over picks you up and sits you in his lap. "(Y/N) you sure you're okay?"

"Yes ~ I really like the glowing mushroom ~" Your voice cracked a little.

Luffy holds you close, "will you tell me one day?"

"Will you hate me? If I was... Ugly?"

"You're not ugly. You're my Queen."

"I believe you," you cuddle into him.

Luffy lays down and pulls you in. "I'm here when you want to talk."

"Thank you, Luffy."

[ON HOLD] The Siren - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now